
Monday, February 12, 2018

Let It Snow

We were surprised with a few inches of snow back in January, and I'm not sure who was more excited - Harper or me... In case you were wondering, the answer was definitely me considering Harper had absolutely no concept of snow until this day. Which is why this mama couldn't hardly contain her excitement for it - her baby's first snow. Eek! And can't you just picture it - family pictures of us frolicking in the snow, giant smiles on ALL our faces, soaking in fresh snow smell, and nobody having a meltdown. But let's be real here - this maybe was us for like 5 minutes. 

To paint an honest picture, we probably had maybe 2 inches of snow and ice was more of the concern anyway. The temperature was about 20 degrees with a wind chill below 10. And these little southern peaches don't even have appropriate clothing for such a circumstance. So it was going to be a short-lived, super quick, "YAY!" for snow, "OK, let's go in now" type of deal. We bundled up as best as we could, and finally headed out about 10am when it was more bearable. 

Harper was all excited for about 2 minutes and then something made her cry, so yeah. :)
We walked around the front yard for awhile, trying to teach her how to make snowballs, but inevitably, girlfriend wasn't too amused. So, we went for plan B, and took her in the backyard where her toys were and that's when she became excited for it. She slid down her slide covered in snow, which surprised her a little bit, but went in for a second time. And also played in her little house covered in snow too. She walked around the yard also, and loved watching Maci, our little dog, trek through too. 

^ moment of meldown :) ^

We ended up staying out for a little while, but once Harper's gloves were soaked through, she even requested to go in. We enjoyed lunch together, and made cookies and totally soaked in the snowy, white views out the windows.

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