
Monday, April 9, 2018

Easter 2018 | Number Two

Back to work today after a sweet little Spring Break, and I'm dreaming of our Easter weekend - still.
It was just simple and relaxing, but really fun. And I say this with every holiday, but holidays are just so much more enjoyable when you can experience them through the eyes of a child. 

Harper didn't quite understand the 'Easter Bunny' concept - which she totally got the Santa Claus concept, but I attribute that to watching the movie The Santa Clause 500 times before the actual day of Christmas. There aren't many Easter Bunny movies to watch that many times, so it was more so of us telling her, and her looking at us with big, blank, blue eyes. Maybe next year! She did love her Easter basket from the Easter bunny though. :) She especially loved the paint set and her Bobbie - Barbie in non-toddler jibberish. And she almost immediately put on her jellies, which made my 90's child heart very, very happy.

We spent actual Easter day with my family - my sister's birthday was the following day - so we did a combo of the two with everyone. The weather could not have been more perfect - considering it's been such a roller coaster recently. It was warm and sunny and the absolute perfect day to spend outside. Harper attempted an Easter egg hunt, but yet again, she had better things to worry about. :) We had yummy food outside under the trees, and followed it up with cake and ice cream for the birthday girl. The weekend as a whole was absolutely perfect.

1 comment :

  1. How precious is sweet Harper? I love the pictures of her hunting eggs. You are so right, there's nothing as sweet as experiencing the holidays through the eyes of a child. It sounds like it was a wonderful weekend with family! Those are always the best!
