
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter 2018 | Number One

Happy S P R I N G y'all!
It's been a little bit since I shared our life happenings, and really it's just been because we've been super busy and super tired after being super busy. :) It's finally SPRING too (!!!), so we've tried to squeeze in more outside time for Harper when the weather is nice. I absolutely love this time of year, and of course, Easter makes it special too. We had a busy Easter weekend, and I can't wait to share it with y'all over the next couple of days. 

We kicked off our Easter weekend on Saturday with a visit up to Cody's parents. We flipped our Easter visits this year, and hate that we missed the big family gathering on Easter, but we loved letting Harper spend time with her Gigi and DeDa. 

After looking for many cows behind their house in the pasture, Harper went on her very own Easter egg hunt and pretty much did great for the first half of it, and then became disinterested because #candy. It was still sweet seeing her excited and extra sweet spending so much time outside on a beautiful day!

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