
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Game Day: Georgia vs. Clemson

It's game day baby!
Gooooo Dawgs! Sic em! 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Five on Friday

What a special Friday it is.

Between The Hedges
The eve before game day.
The first one of the season.
It's always the most anticipated.
The most nerve-racking.
How the season is going to go is completely up in the air.
Hope for the best, dread the worst.
You always want to open up the season with a win.
But in your heart, you know that's going to be easier said than done.
But the minutes will tick off, and turn into hours.
And before you know it, it's 6:00 AM and your alarm is going off.
It's game day.
And it'll be time to cheer on the Dawgs.

Sic 'em on Saturday Dawgs!
Wish I could be there.
I'll be cheering you on in my game day colors, tattoo on my cheek and pom-pom in hand.
Expect a scream, or two.
Probably a lot more.
Lot's of praying.
And hopefully a celebration.

Tennessee, 2008


This weekend, Cody and I decided not to go to Clemson.
We know tickets will be impossible, but wanted to go for the atmosphere.
In hopes of saving money, and putting it towards games we can get into, makes a lot more sense for us right now. So this weekend, we plan on spending the weekend at my mom's house. We're throwing it down once again - grilling, eating and well, dri... nevermind.
But Georgia will definitely be on at 8:00!

I'm thinking it'll probably look like this again:


I finally got my engagement ring back this week!
I've been not engaged for the past month.
Not by choice.
Stupid Kay's sized my ring wrong, when apparently  they shouldn't have sized it all due to the type of band that it is.
So because they didnt do it properly, my diamonds were popping out like nobody's business!
So long story short, they fixed my ring for the time being, but ordered me a completely new ring and wedding band to exchange it with.
At first I was hesitant. It's not going to be the ring Cody proposed with.
But for the price and the convenience of not sending it off every month to replace diamonds, then it's for the best.
Hopefully it gets here before my engagement pictures next month!


So, I'm pretty much loving 2nd grade!
Minus the boogers and tying shoelaces every ten seconds.
They are so sweet and adorable.
I wish I could adopt every single one.
But I don't think Cody would let me.
School has been absolutely crazy the last few weeks. 

Today I stayed 13 hours, to get some lesson planning done.
Even got yelled at by a custodian.
But anyway, here's what we're going to talk about next week:

We should have done this sooner, but I never got around to it.
They were good about picking out books, but I want to do it this week because they're finally having a chance to go to the school library now.


 Today is national College Colors Day!
You better believe I'll be wearing my red and black!

Go Dawgs!
That's what's most important this week anyway :)

Link-up for Five on Friday :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Bulldog Gameday

By now, y'all know how excited I am about Saturday.
Win or lose, I'm still pumped that it's my favorite season of all - football season. 

This time of year always gets me reminiscing about all my Athens memories, between the hedges or downtown, even away games. It doesn't matter. 
I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Here's a few of my favorites:

Georgia vs. Kentucky
Athens, 2007

Georgia vs. Alabama
Tuscaloosa, 2007

Georgia vs. Auburn
Athens, 2007 

Georgia vs. South Carolina
Columbia, 2008

Georgia vs. Florida
Jacksonville, 2009

Georgia vs. Boise State
Atlanta, 2011

Georgia vs. Florida Atlantic
Athens, 2012

And because you're begging so much, I'll show you some of my early years.
(You might want to stab your eyes out with a fork)

Georgia vs. Florida, Jacksonville 2004

Georgia vs. South Carolina, Columbia 2004

Georgia vs. Georgia Tech, Atlanta 2005
Georgia vs. South Carolina, Athens 2005
Many more memories to come Between The Hedges this year!
Sic 'em Dawgs!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gameday Attire: SEC Style

Could 8:00 Saturday night come any sooner?

The week is dragging on as I anxiously await the start of football season.
It's not just any football season.
It's college football season.
 And in case you didn't know, we don't take our college football very lightly down here.
Especially not in SEC country.

No, I did not cry when Georgia lost to Alabama in the SEC Championship.
Ok. I lied.
I totally did.
That's how seriously I take this, as well as many others.

I'm a born and raised Georgia Bulldog.
I've been going to games since I was in the womb.
Georgia's in my heart, what can I say.

The thing that's so special about SEC football particularly, is people don't show up just for the game. They show up at dawn to save their tailgating spot for a game that doesn't start until 8:00 that night. They show up with big screen TV's and monstrous stereo systems to broadcast the day's games and play sound bites of old plays that will forever live in history. They show up with enough food to feed an entire football team, and the rest of the student body population. Smokers, grills, everything.

But what's really special about college football in the south, is the need for adorable outfits. 
In team colors, of course. :)

Here's a few of my favorites:

Dawg Gone Gorgeous Dress

Saturday Down South Bow Back Tank

Gator Bait Dress

Katie Gameday Dress
South Carolina

Chevron Maxi

Orange and Navy Front Zipper Dress

Old Kentucky Home Chevron Blouse

Orange One Shoulder Dress

LINK UP with Newlyweds: North to join KICK OFF WEEK!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Meeting Luke

Friday afternoon, Cody and I hit I-85 and headed south to Auburn, Alabama.
After an incredibly stressful and long week, I was completely ecstatic to take a break from our everyday norm and take a mini road trip to see one of my best friends (and bridesmaid).

Brittany and Will moved to Opelika, just outside of Auburn, just a few months ago, so I definitely don't get to see her as much as I'd like. Especially since we lived with each other for two years, it's tough only seeing each other every so many months.

And when Brittany and Will welcomed their sweet little boy into the world, just a month ago, I was dying to meet him as soon as possible.

Luke is even more perfect and adorable in person.
They made one precious little boy. :) 

Only Cody would wear a Georgia shirt to Auburn, a week before football season starts.

Thank you for letting us spend the weekend with you and your little babe!
I'm completely in love with him, and can't wait to see him grow up and watch you become an amazing mommy. :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Weenie Dog Says It All

So tired.
So much to do.
So little time.
Must be professional.
Working 13 hours today. 
Curriculum Night = parent judgement = NO THANKS.
I'm not complaining.
Yes, I am.

And this is what I'd rather be doing all day tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Will You Be A Groomsman?

Half way through the week.
The rest is all downhill. 
[Except tomorrow I have Curriculum Night until eight tomorrow evening and I'm kinda dreading it.]

But I know I promised this many moons ago, but I'm finally getting around to it.
I asked my bridesmaids to be apart of our day with scrapbooks, so I wanted to do something just as cute for our groomsmen. 

Now, it wasn't the manliest gift in the world, but I think Cody secretly thought they were adorable. He just won't admit it.

So remember, my inspiration was this:

A mustache.
A very manly mustache. 

Which turned into this:

And here's how:

Each groomsman's bucket had a chalkboard with the big question.
The theme was "Mustache You A Question."
Cody's brother, Cale, doesn't drink, so his was a little different.

Each bucket was wrapped in a chevron burlap ribbon, and adorned with a chalkboard label and fuzzy mustache.

Each bucket included a mason jar, wrapped with raffia and a tag that read "I {mustache} You a Question." In each jar, was a chevron paper straw with a mustache straw decoration.

We wanted to personalize each bucket with each groomsman's favorite liquor.

Paul loves rum and Coke, so it fit him perfectly.
They turned out amazing, but we still have two more groomsmen to ask.
How could they resist the 'stach? :)