
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

Here in the Peach State, we're freezing our little buns off with some very, out of the ordinary, twenty-degree weather. But instead of complaining about it being too cold, today we're giving thanks for the blessings of a new day, and all the wonderful gifts that God has placed in front of us.

There are so many things in my life that I need to be thankful for, that sometimes get overlooked by a bad day or a difficult circumstance. 

So for today, I'm focusing on what I'm thankful for, and I hope you do the same throughout your day. :)

I can't believe I get to marry this guy in just a few shorts months!
How lucky am I?
He's my best friend.

My family.
Despite how crazy they can be, I adore every one of them.
I wouldn't be who I am today without them.

My fur babes.
Maci and Hank bring so much joy into our house.
Life wouldn't be complete without their little wet noses.

My soon-to-be family.
Cody's family has been nothing but kind since we started dating.
I'm so blessed to be gaining a family that is so warm and welcoming.

 My friends.
Lots of love and laughter.

It isn't always the easiest job.
I normally work more than eight hours a day.
But the learning and hugs from my second graders make it all worthwhile.

I'm thankful I'm alive and healthy, and so are my family and friends.

  My home.
Sometimes I find myself looking at all the things that need decorating or fixing, and not the fact that I have a roof over my head and groceries in the fridge.

And although the list could go on and on, one last thing I am thankful for is...

I absolutely love blogging, and I'm so glad I worked up the courage to start Peach State of Mind. I love sharing my life with y'all, and in return, you sharing your life with me.
I'm so thankful for the sweet ladies I've met through the blog world, and can't wait to see what the future has in store for Peach State of Mind!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Our Engagement Pictures

Back in October, Cody and I took our engagement pictures.
And finally, I get to share them with all of y'all!

Our photographer, Katie Rivers, is simply incredible.
She literally had us standing on the side of the road taking our pictures.
Looking at the outcome, you could never tell.
They're completely stunning.

She made us feel so comfortable, and guided us when needed.
She made our day so special.
I can't wait to see what she does with our wedding pictures.

I couldn't pick just a few :)


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Nostalgia

Part of the reason why I started blogging was to keep up with my life and memories.

As one of those crazy scrapbook ladies, I love having years of memories wrapped up in one book. But since my time is more limited these days [and so is my budget], blogging has been the answer to my case of nostalgia. 
I'm one of those picture obsessed kind of girls, and I hold all my pictures from over the years near and dear to my heart. So with Thanksgiving coming up, I couldn't resist taking a stroll down memory lane and visiting Thanksgivings of the past. [A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving just wasn't cutting it for me.]


Thanksgiving 2006

Oh, these were the days I thought I was so cool.
Before selfies were actually called selfies.
My high school years.

Back in 2006, we used to walk five miles in the snow on the way to school...WOAH. Wrong story. Back in 2006, it was ALWAYS a tradition to have Thanksgiving at my Nannie's house. It was that way ever since I could remember. We would eat an early Thanksgiving lunch, and spend the rest of the afternoon with family, or enjoying the beautiful fall weather outside.

These. are. embarrassing.

Thanksgiving 2007

Apparently, my selfie stage was over [for now], because the only picture from Thanksgiving this year is one of this fine lookin' woman - my Nannie. ;)

Thanksgiving 2008

The day before Thanksgiving, Whitney and I would always help Nannie get ready for the day - decorating, chopping, cooking. Whatever she needed us to do. Whitney obviously did a better job than me.

Then once again, it was another big Thanksgiving at Nannie and Poppie's house.

 Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 was a day full of firsts!
This was the first Thanksgiving where Cody and I actually were able to spend it together.
It was Maci's first Thanksgiving!
[ Maci was skinny at one time believe it or not. ]
This was also the first year that we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving at Nannie and Poppie's house, which felt a little strange.
But it was just as enjoyable and memorable.

Thanksgiving 2011

We had Thanksgiving at my mom and Chuck's house this year.
Very relaxing, very fun, very filling!

That's it y'all - Picture overload, I know.
But this crazy picture lady is counting down the days until she can overly stuff her face with turkey and pies without judgement.
Two. By the way.
Just two.

Spread the {Peach State} Love

A new blog designs accompanies a new blog button!

Peach State of Mind

Let me know if you would like to trade - Spread the {Peach State} love!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: There's No Place Like Home

Happy Monday everyone!

It's a very happy Monday for me!
I have the entire week off - benefits of being a teacher, right?

We had an amazing weekend, celebrating the last home game of the season in Athens.

We kicked off our weekend on Friday by dealing with MORE ring issues.
Can I just say I'm completely over this process?
Nobody should have to deal with this.
Once we get everything squared away with my ring situation, I'll gladly share this nightmare.
We think we have the thing figured out, but we'll find out Monday hopefully.
Not getting my hopes up quite yet.

Saturday, we headed to Athens early that morning.
In the south, it doesn't matter what time of day the game starts, you get there early.
What's a game without a little tailgating?

We ate breakfast at our favorite spot, the Mayflower.
It's been a tradition ever since I can remember.
And then we headed back to our spot for some good ol' Georgia tailgating.

It was senior day in Sanford Stadium, so we were celebrating all the amazing seniors who have made the last few seasons at Georgia so memorable.
Our seniors will all be missed.
Dawgs for life.

Georgia played a great game, despite losing our senior quarterback, Aaron Murray, early in the game. We all hope for a quick and healthy recovery for Aaron. 

Cody and I got home super late, which meant we had a very lazy Sunday.
After picking up Hank, we took naps and sat on the couch alllllllllllllllllllllll day.
It was perfect.

Here are some pictures from the weekend.
"A place that gets in your blood, and stays forever."

This place is like coming home. 
Until next year, Athens. 
Go Dawgs. 

Hope your weekend was amazing!
Link up with Sami at Sami's Shenanigans to share your weekend!