
Friday, January 31, 2014

Five On Friday

Well this was an unexpectedly short week!
Tuesday pretty much kicked off my extremely long weekend thanks to two inches of snow + one inch of ice. I'm back to work today, but after 7 hours with my kiddos, I'll be kicking off the second half of my weekend.

Today I'll be linking up with Christina & the ladies for the weekly Five on Friday! 


As I've mentioned, the last two days have been snow days for us, so we've spent most of it playing in the snow and laying on the couch watching tv. Mostly watching the news [all those poor stranded people and kids in Atlanta] and catching up with Sons of Anarchy. 


Although we were lucky enough to have two very relaxing days in our warm home, we were constantly thinking about all those not so lucky on their way home from work and school. Those who were stuck in their cars for 24 hours. Or those who were forced to sleep in a Wendy's or gas station. The teachers who stayed with their students over night. The kids that weren't able to go home to see their parents. We knew just how blessed we were.

via AJC

This weekend we're finally going to register!
This wedding task was on my January goals list, so I'll be one day late completing one of my goals. But I'll take it!

via Bridal Guide
We're registering at Target, Belk, and Bed, Bath & Beyond... we think.
Definitely Target. ;)

For my lovely already married Mrs.'s out there, what type of things do you recommend registering for? Any tips?


With the Super Bowl on Sunday, it has me longing for the days when Cody & I are able to throw our festive parties at our own house with family and friends. I love searching through Pinterest and finding fun party ideas! Like these precious football themed mason jars!

You can find this super simple DIY project here.


I love me some Dolly Parton.
And this quote just makes me love her even more...

via flickr
Ain't that the truth. :)

 Happy Friday y'all!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January Goal Results

At the beginning of the month, I set goals.
I figured setting goals for the month, rather than the year would be way more realistic and attainable.

With January coming to an end, as promised, I'd keep y'all in the loop on my progress or non-progress in some cases. Oops. :)

Here were my goals...
[Goals crossed out are goals accomplished.]

1. Make an appointment with a mortgage broker.
This was one of the first things checked off my list. Cody & I talked with a mortgage broker about starting the buying a house process. We found out that we would be good to go with the house price we're looking at, but still think our best option is to wait until the fall to start the looking process. We want to continue saving, and survive through our wedding first.
2. Begin eating healthy & setting up a workout plan.

Yeeeeaaaah. About that. I don't eat terrible to begin with. But I know there's things to cut out or limit. As for exercise, a week of cramps (TMI?), a week of migraines, and a week of a cold completely unmotivated me. Yes, I know they're excuses.  But we'll leave it on the list for next month. 
3. Pick out a cake design & attend our cake tasting to make a final decision.

 Check. The appointment wasn't what I expected, but it went good. We made a decision on the design and should be good to go. 
4. Order our wedding invitations.
My mom found somebody on Etsy to design our invitations. After many disappoints in this department, I'm so glad we didn't settle on something I half liked. They are going to be stunning! 
5. Save. Save. Save. 

This goal will be on every month's goals list.
We did a pretty good job saving. We both donated to our 52-week savings plan, doubling what we were suppose to put in. Plus I added a bunch to my own personal savings account. New house here we come. 
6. Order Cody's wedding band.

We didn't get around to Kay's this month. And I don't know why. 
7. Meal plan.

I'm going to cross this off, but I want to do this a little differently.
For some reason, I have it in my head that  we have to have elaborate meals every night, which is what I planned for. I planned for a lot of new recipes, which makes it a little more challenging to cook nightly. But we did, and we definitely didn't eat out as much. 

8. Go to bed early.
Yes. Yes. Yes. With me not feeling good majority of the month, I was hitting the bed around 9:30 or earlier every night. I'm a lot less stressed out getting ready in the morning because I'm not hitting snooze five times. Which makes my drive to work so much more enjoyable and not rushed.

9. Use my planner.
Planner is being used. 
I take it to all my school meetings. Write important dates in. And use it to meal plan.
Good investment.

10. Order bridesmaid dresses.
I finally got the last bridesmaid into the store, and ordered the dresses just in time.
We will see them again in May.
11.Book our honeymoon by the end of the month.
Christmas broke the bank for both of us. So we're hoping to get this booked by next month. I desperately want a vacation after the wedding drama this month!

12. Register.
Notice that this is half crossed out. :)
When I went to the bridal show, I pre-registered at two stores.
Target was not one of them. We really need to do this next weekend.
I just need to think about what type of stuff we want to register for...

8 1/2 out of 12 wasn't too bad, right?
Now onto February!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Go Home, Atlanta

Go ahead.
Laugh at us.
You northerners are shaking your heads.
And I don't blame you.

Children stuck at school overnight. 
Babies delivered on the side of the road.
Motorists stranded on highways for almost 24 hours. 
The roads look like an eerie episode of The Walking Dead.

Praying for all those still stuck, & hoping some good ol' southern hospitality keeps everyone sane and patient. 

picture via cat_lanta.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Happy Birthday, Harry + Bark Box

My nephew turns two today!
Terrible two's.

As much as I wish I had a real nephew to babysit and spoil rotten, my four-legged furball of a nephew will do for now. 

Happy Birthday, Harry!
Yap all you want today :)


Around Christmas, my sister told  me about something really cool for crazy dog moms like me.

The cutest idea for dogs ever! 

When you sign up for Bark Box, you receive a box in the mail with four or more products that best suit your dog! Toys, bones, hygiene products. You name it!

All you have to do is pick the size of your dog, which monthly plan you'd like & checkout!
 You can receive a Bark Box monthly for as low as $19/per month.
10% of all proceeds goes to rescue group, which makes it even cuter!
You can even give them as gifts.

If you use Harry's link below to sign up for Bark Box, you'll receive $5 off!
Thanks Harry!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Top 5 Favorite TV Shows [Currently]

After battling a cold all week, I probably experienced the laziest weekend of my entire life.
Which led to me watching an abundant amount of TV.
 Netflix is a complete curse I tell you.
How can you watch just one episode of anything?
You can't. You simply can't.

Normally, I don't get to watch a lot of TV during the week, so I thought I'd catch up. To give y'all a little insight into my weekend, I thought I'd share some of my favorite shows.

My newest addiction - Sons of Anarchy

Holy crap. Never in a million years did I think I would like this show. One episode got me completely hooked. I made Cody go back to the first season, so I could catch up. I'm only on season two, so if any of you out there spoil anything, I'll send Jax on your butt! [But I'm sure you'd like that...]

The show stars Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagel, Ryan Hurst and many others.
The show focuses on an outlaw motorcycle group in a ficitonal town called Charming.
It's a must watch.

Waiting on Netflix - The Walking Dead

 Another one of those shows I thought I'd never watch.
Zombies are completely stupid to me, but watching this show makes it the complete opposite. It's another show that we watch on Netflix, and we're waiting on Netflix to get the latest season. So I have no idea what's happened in the series recently, so don't tell! :)

The series main star is Andrew Lincoln, who plays a sheriff who lives in a post-apocalyptic world, now run by human-eating zombies.
And it's filmed in Georgia, which makes it even cooler!

My guilty pleasure - Teen Mom 2 

I probably deserve to be fed to the zombies in Walking Dead after admitting this.
But I'm invested.

Chelsea, Kailyn, Leah & Jenelle, all teen mom's struggling with raising their children at such young ages. Shocker.

Once you start watching a train wreck, you just can't look away.
Don't judge me. Ok, go ahead. I'm judging myself.

My favorite mystery series - Pretty Little Liars

Four girls, stalked & harassed by a mystery 'A' figure after their friend goes missing.

I read the first few books to this series, and loved them when I was younger.
The show may be pretty unrealistic, and sometimes childish, but apparently that's what gets my attention these days.

I like a good mystery, and this was the perfect girlie mystery series to catch.
 I haven't been as good with watching them as of recently, but I tune in when I can!

And last but, certainly not least...

Old faithful - Full House

 It still comes on TV people!

The Tanners are still going strong!

I don't care how many times I've seen every episode, it will forever be one of my favorite TV shows. I will drop what I'm doing to watch an episode of Full House.
You got it, dude.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Social: Favorite Beauty Products

While catching up on my blog reading & commenting [because I've suddenly become a terrible non-existent blogger], I discovered the Sunday Social.

A quick and easy question & answer link-up, perfect for a Sunday morning. 

Today's questions are all about your favorite beauty products!

1. How old were you when you started wearing makeup?

14. My mom didn't start letting me wear makeup until I started high school. But in all honesty, I never had the desire to until high school. If I have a daughter, we will be keeping the same rule. ;)

2. What are your top 3 favorite beauty products?

It doesn't leave your hair feeling crunchy and stiff. Plus it smells good!
2. Marc Jacobs 'Eau So Fresh" Fragrance 
Fresh & light. Definitely not overpowering.
Last summer, I didn't get out and lay in the sun like I normally do. But this self-tanner completely saved my pale skin many of times.

3. What is one makeup product you don't leave home without?

e.l.f. Tinted Moisturizer. You can find this for $3 at Target. Moisturizer with a hint of color, to make your skin look healthy and awake. Love it.

4. What is your daily beauty routine?

eyeliner/mascara. eyeshadow. moisturizer. foundation. bronzer. powder. blow dry. straighten. hairspray.

5. What is your favorite hair/makeup product you've discovered in the last year?

This may be embarrassing... Essie nail polish
My friend, Ashley, gave me my first bottle for my birthday a few weeks ago, and I fell in love. It changed my life. ;)

What are your favorite beauty products?
Link-up with the girls to share.
Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rusty the Weenie Dog

If you've followed me for awhile, you know I have an unhealthy obsession with my dog.
I'll be the first to admit that I am a crazy dog mom and proud of it.
I love everything about Maci, including her sassy little weenie dog personality.
Because of her, I've completely fallen in love with dachshunds, and can't imagine not having one now that I've owned one. She's been the perfect dog for me and a blessing in my life. 

Unfortunately, not everybody feels the same way I do about their dogs.

Meet Rusty. :)

My sister showed me Rusty on Instagram, and I completely fell in love.
His precious little face instantly grabbed my heart, and I had to follow him.
Rusty was burned by his previous owners.
His teeth show due to the severity of his burns, and his eyes water a lot as well.
Luckily, Rusty was adopted to a loving home, and he can now live happily.

I can't wait to follow Rusty, and keep up with him.
He reminds me just how lucky our Hank & Maci are.
It makes me appreciate them, and will probably remind me to give them an extra hug and kiss every now and then. [Not like they don't get a million already.]

Rusty's story has also inspired me to adopt a rescue next go around.
DREAM Dachshund Rescue in Georgia has many loveable doxies ready to be adopted to a loving, forever home.

If you would like to follow Rusty, you can by clicking here.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Georgia Bridal Show

This past Sunday, Ashley over at A Thousand Words took me to the Georgia Bridal Show as a birthday gift!

I was pretty excited to go, considering I only have a few more months left as a bride.
We're getting down to the nitty gritty of wedding planning, so I pretty much have everything & everyone booked. But I'll never pass up a chance for free food, free cake and free giveaways. 

We headed down to Athens early that afternoon, hung out at the show for about an hour and a half, and then enjoyed lunch downtown & a Gigi's cupcake.

It was nice being able to spend time with a girlfriend, and having a day just for us girls to enjoy. So thank you very much Ashley. :)

[please excuse my terrible outgrown roots that desperately need to be colored. ew.]

Friday, January 17, 2014

Five on Friday

Oh yeah, hey.
It's me.
 What a freakin week it has been.
I don't know what the heck happened to me, but I have been completely. and utterly. exhausted
So needless to say - thank goodness it's Friday.

Today, I'm linking up with Christina and the regular Five on Friday ladies.


Ashley got me two tickets to the Georgia Bridal Show in Athens for my birthday, and it's on Sunday! I've only been to one bridal show since we've been engaged, so I guess one more couldn't hurt before I get married. Got to enjoy this engagement process while it lasts because the days are dwindling down. I'll be crossing my fingers for a free honeymoon. :)


My classroom was almost set on fire. by accident.

As I'm helping students across the classroom, FIREWORKS started going off from under my desk. POW. KABOOM. FLASH.
Ok. Maybe not fireworks. But with 23 kids screaming, sparks flying in the air, a few flashes and with a couple cracks of electricity - it may as well been fireworks.

My poor little student, somehow managed to drop my pencil sharpener on the floor [why it was being picked up, lord only knows], halfway snapping the cord, exposing wires and allowing electricity to free flow from the wires.

So now, I'm sharpener less. Smelling a little crispy. And was probably the highlight of dinnertime conversation that night at all my students' houses. 


Ok, so.
Cake tasting last Sunday. 
Went into the appointment still not having an idea of what I really wanted.
But decided on a mixture of three out of the four cakes above.

I like traditional wedding cakes, so I decided to stick with an all white cake.
But I chose not to go with the fondant icing. Our venue is very rustic, so I thought the traditional butter cream like cake number one would be perfect. With the amount of people invited to our wedding, it'll only be three tiers like cake number two, with the twine/raffia ribbon wrapped around the bottom and top tier. But those pretty little sugar flowers on cake number two & three. Yeah...those cost an extra $500 to make. No no. We're going with the real flowers like cake number four. In our wedding colors, of course. 

So hopefully it turns out good. I know it'll taste good, but look good? Hopefully. I have a hard time finalizing decisions in my head when I don't have a clear vision. And I don't have a clear vision of what our cake will look like. I'm just going to trust this lady I guess.


I sucked it up as a future wife this week and made the WORST DINNER EVER.

Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I somehow screwed this recipe up.
It may have been the extra rice I added, that overcooked and turned to mush.
Yes, that was definitely it.
So if you feel ambitious, or if you're just more intelligent than me. Or if you actually just follow the directions to the recipe instead of trying to be Giada DeLaurentis on the Food Network, then you may be more successful than me.
It probably is good, but I WOULDN'T KNOW

Recipe found here.


My poor little Nannie has been a frequent visitor at the emergency room this week.
She got bit by her dog trying to get a pill out of her mouth (or she thought she had a pill in there at least) and her dog didn't like that, obviously. The dog doesn't have a mean bone in her body, she was just freaked out. But it caused Nannie to get an infection in the puncture wound. Unfortunately, her hand was swollen so much, they had to cut off her wedding ring.

We're hoping and praying she'll get better as soon as possible. :)

Y'all have a good weekend!
Hopefully it's a three day weekend like mine ;)
Don't hate.

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Night In Athens

It's always so hard going back to work after a fun weekend!
But I think I can hold out for the next - especially since it's a three day weekend. :)
Ashley and her husband, Paul, joined Cody and I in Athens for a night.
We walked around downtown, in and out of restaurants and shops, then finally ended the evening at Herschel's Famous 34 Pub & Grill. It was delicious. Makes me love #34 even more. :) 


We also decided on our cake for the wedding [check off the monthly goals list!] and picked out some desserts to replace the groom's cake. Cody doesn't like cake. 
And I have to say - I'm very excited about what was picked!
And we ordered the last bridesmaid dress, so ANOTHER CHECK  off the monthly goals list! Go me!
Hope y'all had a great weekend!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Five on Friday

Hi lovely ladies.
Today we're linking up with Christina and the rest of the regular Five on Friday gals.


This was a pretty odd week - work wise.
I expected to head back to work on Monday for our teacher workday, plan for the week ahead, and get my kiddos back on Tuesday. You know, get back in a routine. [Which I was kinda ready for surprisingly.] But instead, Antarctica decided to expand it's borders and take over the country. So due to the negative degree wind chills, and single digit temps - school was canceled Tuesday. Throwing me completely off my motivated game.

I was way more motivated and mentally prepared to go back Monday and start kickin' some butt. But the extra random day off reminded me of how good it felt to sleep in instead of my normal 4:30 wake-up call. So my kids have been a little off the chain this week, but I was glad to get them back and see what Santa brought them for Christmas.


I celebrated my birthday this week [on our day off actually] with my future hubby and friends! 

Cody surprised me with a completely unexpected gift and flowers.
[Even though I put it on the blog on my wishlist, I totally wasn't expecting him to get it.]

Ashley @ A Thousand Words and her husband invited Cody & I over for a birthday dinner. We ended going out to eat Mexican instead, and they were kind enough [EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDN'T NEED TO] buy us dinner, and surprise me with a sweet gift and strawberry cupcake. :) And we'll ignore the fact that they made them sing to me and wear a 50lb sombrero.


In wedding news - we have our yummy cake tasting on Sunday & we're ordering the last bridesmaid dress. If you remember from last week, these are what I'm thinking about. I can't say I've picked one out yet. Oops.

via pinterest
And we FINALLY found somebody that could produce the invitations of my dreams.
I won't show them to y'all until we get them out to everybody in March, but these are the inspiration.

Wedding Paper Divas

I've been going a little soup crazy recently.
But this time of year makes me crave something warm and comforting.
We made a southwest chicken soup from my mom this week, which we both loved.
And this weekend I'm dying to try this:

Chicken Bacon Wild Rice Soup
 Bacon may not be diet friendly, but hey. Neither is wedding cake. :)
I will let y'all know how it turns out. Only if it's good.


And because I have nothing better to share, why not post a cozy picture of Maci. :)

Happy Friday y'all!