
Monday, March 31, 2014

March Goal Results

Can you seriously believe March is over?
I can't believe we're already three months into 2014!
Where the heck does the time go...
I think the overwhelmingly busyness of March rushed it along.
I maybe looked at my March goals a couple times throughout the month.
I'm not sure how many goals I'm actually going to be able to cross off the list, but hopefully I'm surprised by the end of his post.
In other words, I'm hoping I didn't completely blow off my goals and consumed my life with everything work related and/or sleeping (which I seemed to want to do a lot of this month).
So with one eye closed and the other hesitantly peeking through my list, here we go...

1. Have a wedding invitation stuffing party.
We didn't stuff them yet, but we tied them together in preparation for stuffing. 
We will be doing the stuffing this week in fact because they're going to be mailed in the upcoming days! Once those little babies go out, I'm pretty sure it gets real.
I can't wait to share them with y'all as soon as our family and friends get them first.
But I couldn't leave y'all without a little sneak peek...

2. Order wedding shoes.
Shoes are ordered.
I'm hesitant to even get excited about them until they've arrived, they look good, they fit and I can walk in them. When that happens, I'll cross this off my list.
3. Book a honeymoon!
  Due to the abundant amount of stress the rest of the wedding has put on me, plus work, exercising and eating healthy - Cody is now fully in charge of this. His new rule.
So no. Not booked yet.
4. Pick a flower girl dress.
Yesterday we picked one out.
I'm not completely sold on it yet, but at least the child won't be naked walking down the isle.
I'm still frantically looking. Still not crossing it off my list quite yet.

And by the way...
What color do you think a flower girl should wear?
White? Match the bridesmaids? Another wedding color?
I'm lost with that concept.
5. Save. Save. Save.
I bought something for myself for the first time since 2013 this month.
I needed a dress for the wedding I was shooting with Ashley.
And I bought a pair of sunglasses for no good reason other than I really wanted them.
Other than that, I've been doing good.

6. Continue eating healthy & exercising.
  Yes. -7 lbs from my original starting weight.
All  my pants are loose and baggy, which makes me feel great except, I don't look all that professional at work with baggy pants and pulling them up all day long.
I haven't exercised as much as I would like. Simply because I'm lacking the time in the day.
But for the most part, my eating habits have changed a lot, minus a couple weekends where I splurged. Still a long way to go though.

7. Pick our groom's attire & groomsmen.

We sure did pick everything out.
At a place we weren't even going to look at.
I'm so glad Cody's mom took us there, because everything just fell into place.
The good news is - they don't have to be ordered as soon as I thought.
But we're still giving the guys a deadline to get in there and get it ordered.
Step-dad and grandpa are going there this weekend.
8. Have a date with Cody at a new place.

For our anniversary this past weekend, Cody surprised me with a fancy date to a local winery for dinner. We both have never been before, and in all honesty, that makes us pretty nervous and anxious. It ended up being a fantastic evening, yummy food and wine and cheesecake. Yes, I splurged and ate cheesecake. Oh, and the chocolate mousse they brought us for our anniversary. #sorrynotsorry
9.  Begin thinking about Bridesmaid gifts.

Sure, I thought about it.
But I haven't bought anything yet.
Their jewelry and shoes will be part of this gift, but I haven't gotten the extra goodies yet.
I know what I want, let's just say that.

10. Look for bridesmaid jewelry & shoes.
Sunday, my mom and I went shopping at the mall for this among other wedding things.
As soon as I was about to throw my hands up and give up, I found the perfect necklaces for my girls. It was seriously a sign from God that I found these and that they even had enough. It was meant to be. I did not get the earrings yet, but I know what I want them to wear.
As for the shoes, I'm leaning towards a particular pair, but want to run it by the girls first.

Ok. So I did better than I thought.
But there's still major things I need to focus on for April.
Can't wait to share my new goals with y'all tomorrow.
Hope everybody had a wonderful weekend!
5 more days until this teacher will be on Spring Break!
I hear angels singing. :)
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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Throwback Thursday: L+C {Year Five}

Five years from now seems like an eternity away.
To think how different life will be in five years is almost unfathomable. 
It's funny how time flies and life passes by before your eyes though.
Five years ago today, I never pictured what life would be like today.
Five years ago today, Cody and I made our relationship official.
And five years ago today, I never thought he would be the person I married.
Throughout the last five years, we've had our ups and downs like any other relationship.
Some days harder than others. Some days much happier than others.
But here we are. 
A couple months away from our forever.
To Cody - Thank you for putting up with all my sass and attitude for the last five years. Lord knows that's not easy. Thank you for always believing in me, and pushing me to be the best I can be. Thank you for being the supportive significant other that I can always trust and confide in. Thank you for being the best dog daddy around town to Maci. Nobody can tuck her in at night and blow on her belly quite like you. Thank you for always working hard and putting forth your all to create a life that we can be proud of. And thank you for always loving me, even when it's not always easy. I can't wait to spend another five years with you as husband and wife. I love you.

Here's a quick recap of the last year, the fifth year.
Most of it should look familiar since I started blogging this year, but we'll do a little look through anyway. :)
If you missed the first four years, you can check out our growth from babies to big kids here.
one. two. three. four.
Here's to working on year six!
 I love you almost husband. :)
[No more sappy stuff until  June 7th - I promise!]

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday: L+C {Year Four}

Year four of our relationship was by far the most exciting and most eventful!
So many big moments in our life all packed into one year.
Like this:

Only the most unexpectedly exciting day of my entire life.
But let's not jump too much ahead just yet.
In April we celebrated Easter together, along with our fur babies.
The Easter bunny was very good to us. Thanks mommy.
We went to the Hank Williams Jr. concert. Well... I spent it in the bathroom, but that's another story for another day that may never come around. :)
I FINALLY graduated college.
We met my freshman year of college, so it was extremely important for him to be there for this accomplishment. Even if his contacts were burning his eyeballs the entire day and could hardly even see me get my diploma. :P
 And of course, we had a graduation party to celebrate.
With a country theme - hence the cowboy hat.

In May, Cody accompanied me to one of my best friend and bridesmaid's wedding.
Hands down, the funnest wedding we've ever been to.
Thank you Brittany & Will. :)
During the summer, we did the normal hang by the pool thing, took some mini road trips and did some summer shopping.

And we were blessed enough to be apart of our little flower girl's Baptism.
We love Elizabeth Grace. :)
June 13, 2012 he completely took me by surprise and got down on one knee.
He popped the big question and I was SHOCKED.
A sweet & casual picnic turned into the most memorable day of my life.
Another one of my dreams came through in October of that year, and I landed my first real teaching job in the county I grew up in. Those fifth graders wore me out, but we managed to squeeze in some fun on the weekends in the fall. 
We even moved in together!
And picked out our very first Christmas tree together. :)
Next Thursday, Cody & I will be celebrating five years of being together!
I can't wait to see what he has planned for us to celebrate, and I can't wait to try and work on something special for him.
If you missed the first few years, you can recap with me down here.
one. two. three.
Thanks to Ashley @ A Thousand Words for hosting this link-up!
  Happy Thursday y'all! It's almost Friday!

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Throwback Tuesday? {L+C: Year Three}

Well, last Thursday I fell asleep around six, so my hopes for linking up with Ashley at A Thousand Words for Throwback Thursday were squashed. Oops.
 So I guess I'm breaking the rules, and catching up on Tuesday. Because I can.
In honor of March being the month mine and Cody's relationship started - a seemingly long five years ago, I started throwing back to the last few years of our relationship.
You can find the posts here and here.
Que year three!
We celebrated my birthday. I turned 22.
Before Taylor Swift wrote a song about it.
We did our normal thing and went to a few sporting events throughout the year - a couple UGA games and a NASCAR race.
I somehow managed to get Cody to the Game Ranch - a petting zoo I've been going to since I was four. He was quite the bunny whisperer.
We went on our first mini-vacation by ourselves to Tennessee.
We stayed in a Christmas hotel. In May.
And we added Mr. Hank to the family. 
Believe it or not, he used to be small.
Lots of fun and memories.
Stay tuned for a real Throwback Thursday on an actual Thursday. :)

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