I've been absent from this little blog of mine, and I believe it's been a common theme since the beginning of the year. Each time I've felt like I have a chance to calm down and catch my breath from every day life and maybe start blogging again, I'm swept away with another busy week. But I'm pretty sure my relentless busy weeks have dwindled down a bit now that summer break has officially started and I'm fully taking advantage of this summer of relaxation.
Now, I won't guarentee a steady number of posts each week - some may be better than others. But I will try and get back into the swing of things around these parts, and hopefully pick back up on a blogging trend. Fingers crossed!
Laying in bed last night, I was thinking about how great our weekend really was. Memorial Day weekend seems to be lost among society's obsession with BBQ's, clothing sales and beach trips. But it really hit me this year that it's more than just an "official start to summer." It's really a time to remember those who have fought and died for our freedoms, and for those who continue to protect us so we can enjoy time with our loved ones each and every day at the BBQ's and days at the beach that will consume this season. After thinking about the true meaning of Memorial Day, I realized all the events Cody and I experienced throughout the weekend are blessings that are possible because of the those brave enough to protect us.
Our blessings started on Saturday, where Cody and I headed to an annual charity car show that a local car dealership puts on every year around this time. It was important to me to do something Cody really loved, and we were able to do it with his family joining along. Cody's dad entered their older model jeep, which placed in the top 25. How lucky and thankful I am to be able to spend time with my husband, doing something that he loves to do, and with my new family, who takes me in as their own.
After an afternoon at the car show, we headed to my mom's house, where my family would be there to celebrate our many May birthdays - Cody, my grandfather, and my aunt. We all joined up for hamburgers, hot dogs and French onion dip. And wrapped it all up with opening presents and eating a delicious ice cream cake. The true blessing - surrounded by some of the people I love most, all in the same house, at the same time, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

We're lucky to have such amazing friends. Especially friends that will drive you an hour and a half away to take your anniversary pictures! Sunday, we had planned on taking some anniversary pictures since in just a couple weeks, Cody and I will be married for a whole year! (picture above, but more to come) I knew I wanted Ashley to do this for us, because she always makes you feel so comfortable and is so sweet all the time. She didn't even hesitate when asked, and she took us to the most beautiful mountain lodge I've ever seen! Her husband, Paul, and daughter, Nora, tagged along and we're so patient so we could get everything we wanted done. We enjoyed dinner together afterwards and were even able to see their new house that they'll be moving into in just a few days!

Monday was spent with the cutest little butterball of a boy. I rarely get to see my other best friend, Brittany, anymore, so it was such a blessing to spend time with her, Luke and that precious baby bump! We spent the morning and early afternoon chatting, catching up with my mom at her house, and eventually meeting up with Cody for lunch.
The weekend was brought to end when Cody's brother and fiance, my sister and her boyfriend, all came over an evening of grilling and hanging out. It was the first time we've had both our siblings over together for a meal together, and we we're really glad it went so well in our home. Yet another blessing to end the weekend.