Harper girl - You are the light of our lives. You'll never know how truly grateful we are to be your parents. Our love for you grows every minute of every day. You keep us on our toes, but also keep us constantly smiling and laughing at your new tricks. Keep growing, sweet girl. You amaze us more and more each day!
Here are a few little things about you from your third month:
Nicknames: Harpie, Hot Rod, Harps
Weight: At your doctor's appointment last week you weighed in at 13 pounds 3 ounces! We're loving those chubby little thighs!
Height: At your two month checkup, you were 23 inches long! The nurse even measured you twice because she couldn't believe how long you were.
Looks: We've heard more people say recently you look like mommy - which makes mommy extremely happy since she carried you for nine months... But we still think you look like daddy! Your hair seems to be lightening up just a tad and definitely getting longer by the day. Eyes seem to be getting lighter too - mama's still crossing her fingers you have daddy's eyes. Your dimples still make our hearts melt!
Personality: You're a pro at hamming it up. You're smiling all the time now, and talk SO MUCH. You're definitely our little chatterbox! You're a pretty easy-going baby, but will let us know when you don't like something - very loudly! There's definitely a touch of sass...
Eating: We pretty much have had to cut out breast milk and go to straight formula since mama has been back at work, especially. You were diagnosed with acid reflux a couple weeks ago, so we're having a hard time with your keeping your formula down about an hour or two after you eat. Hopefully your medicine will kick in soon, so you'll feel a little bit better!
Sleeping: You're kinda all over the place with sleeping sometimes. You still enjoy boycotting naps, unless you're being held. You fall asleep really well, but are waking up once a night normally. You're getting too long for your newborn rocker - probably because you're not a newborn anymore! - so we're going to start transitioning you to your crib pretty soon.
Wearing: Most of your clothes are 0-3 months, but pants are turning into capris. You can wear 3-6 month onesies for length, but 3-6 clothes are a tiny bit big.
Favorite Things: TALKING! You pretty much talk our ears off all day. The nurses at the doctor's office love your little chats. You love smiling, sitting in your bouncy seat, your play mats, paci's, smiling, and mornings!
Least Favorite Things: Shots :( getting hot, sun in your eyes, car seat most days, and the time between 5:30pm-7:30pm...
Within the last month:
- You've turned into quite the talker!
- You met your Aunt Brittany and besties, Luke + Avery
- We celebrated Valentine's Day with Chinese food, flowers, and a night at home!
- You saw Uncle Cale and Aunt Anissa's new house for the first time
- You had your first round of shots at the doctor, and it was miserable for all involved
- Mommy went back to work and misses our days so much!
- You visited Nannie at her new apartment and we love it!
- You met your other set of great grandparents, Grandpa Sims + Charlotte and even saw Grandpa Alan
- We started spending more time outside since the weather has been so nice!
- You're learning how to grab things and pull them to your mouth
Previous Months