Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A squash or head of lettuce. She's about 17 inches long, getting close to 4 pounds, but not quite there just yet. Apps say she's likely head down, but I'm pretty sure she hasn't made the big turn yet according to her jabs, punches, and rolls.
Symptoms: Belly button is starting to make it's way out, especially after dinner. Tired easily, of course! Itchy belly, especially if I wear something that's tight on my stomach. Leg cramps in the middle of the night are NO fun! And the ultimate pregnancy brain leaving me looking pretty dumb these days.
Gender: A GIRL. Post here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: Lots lots lots this week! She's been pushing little body parts out, and I've started feeling the outline of them, but can't yet differentiate what parts it is quite yet. More rolls than jabs and punches.
Nursery: Not much progress this week. I need to get back on the ball since we're in official countdown mode.
Maternity Clothes: Definitely. There's just something about yoga pants that make my heart melt.
Sleep: Aside from the occasional midnight leg cramps, sleeping pretty good and can't get enough.
Best Moment This Week: My perfect, unbelievable baby shower this past weekend! It was so beautiful and full of love! Harper is so loved already!
Missing Anything: Sandwiches please. Riding this until the end.
Cravings/Aversions: See above.
Mood: Not in the mood to deal with people's attitudes because I promise I can give it right back with these raging hormones. :) I definitely want Harper surrounded by people that love her unconditionally and have her best interest at heart. Feeling very protective over her, and excited to soon introduce her to her sweet family and friends that love her so much!
Husband: Very helpful, especially around the house. I think he's nesting after cleaning up our backyard, gutters, and cleaning the shower. :) Started her book ledges for her room, called the pediatrician, and is proving that he's going to be the most perfect daddy.
Looking Forward To: We have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so hearing her little heartbeat will make my day!
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How far along: 31 weeks - officially eight months pregnant!
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: She's the size of a pineapple, but since it's football season - also a foam finger. :) She's around 17 inches long, about 3 pounds. She's getting close to her birth length, but has some pounds to pack on before her big debut!
Symptoms: Weird pregnancy dreams some nights. Tired. Out of breath easily, sometimes even just randomly since she's crowding my lungs. Still fighting that stuffy nose I've had since early pregnancy. Back aches. Just feeling big some days. And a little crazy.
Gender: A sweet little girl. Post here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: Some days are more wild than others. I really feel like she has two or three days where she's a crazy woman, and then she has two days of rest. Call me crazy. Her jabs and kicks are definitely stronger now that she's beginning to run out of room.
Nursery: Not much progress this week, except for her new light being put up! :) I had a changing pad cover controversy on Etsy, which I'm still trying to fight. Gold and yellow are two different colors, I'm just saying.
Maternity Clothes: Yes. Yes. Yes. And filling out size large men's t-shirts quite nicely... Doctor's should write notes permitting pregnant woman to wear yoga pants to work. I'm just saying.
Sleep: Crazy dreams, like I mentioned. Sleeping pretty good, waking up for the bathroom once a night. Finding a comfortable position when I first lay down is not fun. Poor Cody has to deal with me huffing, puffing and throwing my big ol' body around until I find the right spot. Which then changes five more times.
Best Moment This Week: Having our maternity pictures taken! I can't wait to see them!
Missing Anything: Sandwiches. Forever and always in my heart.
Cravings/Aversions: See above. Chocolate - refusing to buy Halloween candy.
Mood: Ha. Easily irritated and moody more than normal. Hormones, tired, and the stress of having a baby in only eight weeks. Definitely feeling like there's a lot to do!
Husband: The best! Handling my mood swings like a champ. I can't give him enough credit. Took maternity pictures with me without a complaint. AND helped me paint my toenails and was very meticulous. :) Harper's daddy is the best.
Looking Forward To: My shower on Saturday! I can't wait! :)
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twenty-nine || thirty || thirty-one

How far along: 30 weeks - I don't feel like this is possible!
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: Not as cute as a Barbie convertible, but she's the size of a cucumber (about 16 inches long, around 3 pounds). She'll be putting on about half a pound a week from the point on. And she's strong enough to grasp a finger - I. can't. wait. :)
Symptoms: Ultimate clumsiness. I pretty much make a mess everywhere I go. Easily exhausted, especially from Wednesday on. Shortness of breath at times. The weird dreams are back within the last few nights, and they never make any sense what so ever. My stomach feels like it gets bigger and bigger throughout the day, so by mid afternoon, I feel like a beached whale. So cute.
Gender: A sweet little girl. Post here. I like how when people ask what you're having, some people are all "how precious, a little girl" and some people are like "oh, my daughter was such a pain. You're in trouble" That's nice. Be quiet please. Mine will be perfect.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: She's a wild woman most evenings. Some mornings she's an early bird and I can watch my stomach do the wave. Her chest is still on my right side, so I know when I feel movement on my left it's her little knees and feet.
Nursery: Spent sometime at Hobby Lobby on Saturday picking up some wall decor for her room. I'm going to wait until her crib sheet arrives to put anything up to make sure the colors will look good. Her little nursery is becoming my favorite room in the house! I loooove how it's coming together!
Maternity Clothes: I was pretty whiny about clothes last week on the bumpdate. I have plenty of donations from friends of maternity clothes and think I should be okay making it through. But when I wake up before 5am, I normally choose what I know is comfortable and whatever I don't have to think too much about. I'm a creature of habit when I want to be comfortable. I still will say that I hate shoes and I stand by that.
Sleep: I sleep through the night with occasional potty breaks some nights, but the weird dreams are making my sleep a little more interrupted than normal. But I WON'T COMPLAIN! I love sleep.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing her little heart beating away at our doctor's appointment last Monday. We have another appointment in two weeks, so we're definitely getting closer to her birthday!
Missing Anything: I'm back on the sandwich kick. Ugh.
Cravings/Aversions: I really want a sandwich. The countdown is on.
Mood: I'm moody at times, I admit. I don't even know where it comes from half the time. But for the most part, I'm getting really excited about meeting this little babe.
Husband: Being really patient with these mood swings! Giving baby girl lots of belly kisses. And even got kicked in the face after one. It was a kick of love, I'm sure of it. :)
Looking Forward To: We're having a really quick maternity picture session on Sunday, and I'm really excited about it. :)
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twenty-nine || thirty

Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: Um, a Barbie convertible! That's way better than some crazy fruit or vegetable! About 16 inches, around 3 pounds. I think she's going to be a little girl honestly.
Symptoms: Still fighting the exhaustion. Last week completely kicked my butt starting on Monday, which made the week really long. Back pain depending on how I'm sitting or leaning (I'm guessing it's here to stay for the next 10 or so weeks). Sore feet and legs if I've stood a lot of wore crappy shoes. And pregnancy brain leaves me feeling like I have no idea what I'm doing 80% of my day. (which I'm told never goes away, the name just changes to mommy brain - wonderful!)
Gender: My little babe. Post here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: The last few days she's been a wild woman in the morning and evening - especially after I ate Mexican food for dinner Friday night. But then again some days, she's a lot more calm, but still wiggles and squirms. Her jabs and pushes are getting stronger, and half the time I can't help but laugh watching my stomach move all around.
Nursery: Her dresser is complete and put together thanks to the hubby and step-dad. It completely made the room look put together. After a long search, I decided on a changing pad cover, which I'm not totally convinced on, but I guess I'll see how it looks when it arrives. I'm hoping her crib sheet arrives within the next couple of weeks so it really starts to look complete!
Maternity Clothes: Ugh. I'm struggling with this. My options feel so limited these days, and now that it's getting cooler, I'm wearing the same things over and over again. I really don't want to put out more money on clothes, but it's driving my nuts. AND don't even get me started on shoes. My feet are ridiculous these days, and I don't know how acceptable it is to wear my boots (the only shoes that offer decent support) every day to work. But it's the only pair of shoes that don't make me want to cut my feet off by 1 o'clock.
Sleep: Still no problems here. I love sleep. It's my best friend.
Best Moment This Week: Getting the dresser put together and making the nursery seem much more complete. I love watching the progress!
Missing Anything: Feeling normal sometimes. I love being pregnant, and I know I'll miss it eventually, but sometimes I feel like I'm not exactly myself since more and more things are becoming struggles.
Cravings/Aversions: Chocolate maybe! If I had to pick something.
Mood: Excited to meet our little girl! But still a little irritable and lacking patience.
Husband: Nice enough to put her million piece dresser together with my stepdad. It was a tough job.
Looking Forward To: Our doctor's appointment this afternoon! With each doctor's appointment, I know we're inching closer and closer to meeting our little girl.
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