Ugh, y'all.
Summer has officially come to an end for this teacher, and I might be in a period of mourning for awhile. I had such a great summer with my little family, and having my cute babe keep me on my toes each day was so special. However, every good show comes to an end. So here we are.
BUT. I can at least reminisce on our summer a little bit longer by sharing our family vacation from June. (and maybe if I wish hard enough, I can wish my way back in time...)
Like I said, back in June, we hit the road for our first family vacation as a party of three.
We were taking Harper along just the two of us, which was kinda terrifying, but exciting at the same time. She's never been a total fan of her car seat, so driving for longer than an hour was going to be one heck of an adventure in itself. We decided to stay a little closer to home for that reason - you know, in case this trip was a complete and utter fail. So, the South Carolina coast it was.
We decided the best time to leave was about 5am - we were hoping to get a few hours on the road under our belt before she woke up for her first feeding. Once the car was packed, we carefully put the little babe, pajamas and all, in her car seat and hit the road. She woke up as we loaded her in, probably confused more than anything, but fell asleep not too long after we left. But no worries were needed because she completely blew us away with how amazing she did the whole ride. She slept great, woke up for her feedings, played with her toys. Completely rocked it out. Proud parents for sure.
Since our check in time to our little cottage wasn't until three that afternoon, we decided to take a trip to Botany Bay Plantation on Edisto Island. I had seen pictures and read about this place, and dreamed of going ever since. I figured while we were down there, why not check it off the bucket list. And SO glad we did. This place is a complete dream. Fields of sunflowers. A gorgeous beach that looks like something from a movie. Shells everywhere. Gorgeous plantation throughout. It was stunning to say the least.
Buuuuuut, as we quickly learned, this vacation wasn't on our time, but on our six month old's time. :)
We walked down to the beach to let Harper dip her toes into the water for the FIRST TIME. She absolutely loved it, and it just about made my heart explode. We were skeptical to take a six month old to the beach by ourselves, but seeing her little face light up put our worries to ease.
But as sweet as the moment was, it was short lived... Little girl was tired, hungry, and just plain ready to be somewhere where she could kick her little chubby baby feet up to relax. So, we enjoyed the beach while we could, fed the tater tot, and took a drive through the rest of the plantation in hopes of Harper falling asleep.
(...that moment when you just want your baby to look for one picture with you, but she's not into it...)
Botany Bay was gorgeous, and it's definitely a place we want to visit again when we can take it all in just a little bit longer. But we were excited to get to our cute cottage in Bluffton, South Carolina to enjoy the rest of our vacation. :)

Oh, Harper. Mama needs to get her act together. She's a little late writing your seventh month update - how seven months have come and gone so quickly I have no idea - since you're practically eight months, but technically we're still in the right time frame. You've blossomed into such a sweet and beautiful little girl. You make our life so much more exciting, and words can't describe how much I love you. I feel like I need to pinch myself sometimes because I still can't believe you're mine.
I love you more than you'll ever know. And more than that.

Nicknames: Harpie, Harpie Bug, Harps
Weight: 20 pounds
Height: Probably around 26 inches by now - you're pajamas are feeling a little snug around your toes these days.
Looks: LIKE SUCH A BIG GIRL. And I can't decide if I absolutely love it or wanna cry. Still looking at me with those big blue eyes, hair is getting longer by the day, and dimples are still melting my heart every time you smile!
Personality: Definitely not a shy baby... You seem to let anybody hold you and you'll normally flash a smile at anyone (as long as you aren't hungry or tired!). You definitely have a sense of humor, and I even think you know that you're funny. You're kinda a ham. You like attention on you, and when it's not, you make sure it comes back around.
Eating: Doing great with eating. Trying more and more fruits and vegetables with each week. We started using those little squeeze pouches, especially if we're on the go. Your FAVORITE is apples & sweet potatoes with cinnamon!
Sleeping: Sleeping was off and on...Some nights are better than others. Being sick right before vacation didn't help, and neither does your new tooth!
Wearing: Wearing mostly 6 month clothes. Size 3 in diapers. 6-9 month clothes fit the best though. You're small on top, chunky legs on the bottom which make it difficult for shorts...
Favorite Things: The water is still your favorite - you loved the ocean this past month! You loved visiting Nannie too! BAE's new apartment! Spending time with your bestie, Nora. Tractor rides around MiMi and PeePaw's house.
Least Favorite Things: Taking naps. #nonapninja
Within the last month:
- You went to the local zoo for the first time! You slept mostly, but woke up at the end and loved looking at the animals - but mostly the trees.
- You went to Nora's 2nd birthday party!
- We celebrated Father's Day for Daddy!
- You went on your first vacation to Savannah & Hilton Head and dipped your toes in the ocean for the first time! You ROCKED IT OUT the whole trip - even with a cold!
- We had family pictures done on campus, and you did so good despite it being literally, 100 degrees outside.
- Your Gigi & Gramps (still needs a name!) bought you a Smart Trike, and you loved it!
- We visited Nannie as much as we could!
- We helped BAE move into her new apartment! Yay!
- You celebrated your first July 4th!
- Daddy had a day off, so we had lunch together and went shopping.
- You went to the Farmer's Market (slept through that) but was awake for donuts with Aunt Ashley and Nora!
- You loved taking tractor rides at MiMi's house, so much so, that you fell asleep.
- You say "Mama" a lot (along with many other babbles - chatty girl!)
- Your first tooth broke through at the end of the month! Ouch! (Explaining lots of crying...)

previous months