Harper Elizabeth | One Month |
- Harper Elizabeth -
I can't believe you're a month old already!
Some days I feel like you were just in my belly yesterday, and some days I feel like we've never gone a day without you in our arms. Every day though, we grow to love you even more than we did the day before. It's hard not to love you honestly. We may be a little biased as your parents, but you're the most beautiful baby we've ever seen. Your beauty stole our hearts the first moment we laid eyes on you, and it seems as though you only get more beautiful as the days go on. We've had some tough days and nights together. Mommy and Daddy sure are learning a lot, but you've hung in there with us like a champ. You're learning a lot too. You've already changed so much since we brought you home, and I love watching what new thing you've learned each day. We feel like we've really come into our own now as your parents, and have you figured out pretty well...for now. We love watching you grow and growing with you every day. We don't know what our life would be like without you. We're so blessed to call you ours forever.

Here are a few little things about you from your first month:
Nicknames: Harpie
Weight: Around 9 pounds by now. You were 6 lbs 13 oz at birth and lost 8 oz by the time we left the hospital. By your one week checkup, you were back to your birth weight! You weighed in at 8 lbs by your 2 week checkup, and we'll find out exactly how much you are now at your appointment next week.
Height: You were 20 inches long the day you born, but I know for a fact you've gotten longer since some of your newborn clothes aren't the best fit anymore. We'll find out at your appointment next week.
Looks: When we first saw you, your hair looked more blonde. But now, it seems to be brown and sometimes there is a hint of red! Your eyes are dark blue for now!
Personality: Towards the end of the month we really start seeing your personality shine through! You are so sweet and cuddly in the mornings, and mama loves it! You get so sassy in the afternoons and evenings. Mama thinks you're going to be a silly little girl just like your daddy!
Eating: So well! We started breastfeeding in the hospital, but with some latching issues and you falling asleep A LOT, we've given you some pumped bottles. You still nurse occasionally, but Daddy and I love giving you bottles because you stay awake and we know exactly how much you're getting. It's so reassuring!
Sleeping: This was a tough area for the first two weeks of you being home! You slept more during the day than you did at night. When I would wake you up to eat, we'd then be up for hours on end with you very upset. Since you are gaining weight so well, your doctor said we could let you sleep and when you wake up on your own, I'll feed you. It's worked so nicely and you're still gaining weight. Such a healthy girl! Slowly but surely, we've gotten you on a "schedule." Within the last week of month one, you've really got this night routine down and go right back to sleep after you eat. You have also taken a few naps in your crib (just a few!), but mostly nap and sleep in your bassinet.
Wearing: At first your newborn clothes were so big! But throughout the month, you've gotten so long! You've been wearing some 0-3 month onesies since they're much more comfy and don't pull at your neck. Your little legs haven't quite caught up with that tummy though because you're still wearing newborn pants!
Favorite Things: Being held (especially by Daddy), your play mats, the Boppy, getting your hair washed, the MamaRoo (sometimes - tree swing and rock-a-bye mostly), kissy noises, riding in the car.
Least Favorite Things: Getting a bath (just plain torture), when the car stops, being hot, being cold, not being held, having your arms down while swaddled.
Within the last month:
- You met your great grandpa, Poppie, and he loved you so much! He passed away unexpectedly, but we were lucky enough to go to his funeral and say our final goodbyes. We will miss him, but he knows we love him!
- You met so many new family members and friends at the hospital and once we got home.
- You watched your first Georgia game, and cheered on the Dawgs to a victory! You're their good luck charm!
- We celebrated your first two holidays, Christmas and New Years with family.
- You've been to Target a few times and have done great! You've been out to eat twice and have been to your grandparents' houses a few times. We went to Nannie and Poppie's house a couple times also. You've been to doctor's appointments with mama too.
- You celebrated Mommy's 26th birthday with her, and was the best present I could have ever asked for.
- You've started using your voice so much here recently, especially when you're playing on your mat.
- You love putting things in your mouth and get frustrated when you can't.
- You've smiled a few times when Mommy has been playing with you, and it melts her heart!
- You're such a Daddy's girl already. He can make you feel better within a matter of seconds!

She's a real life doll! Happy one month sweet girl!
ReplyDeleteAdorable! Those pictures are priceless!
ReplyDeleteShe is just so adorable! What a special time for your family :) Love the new blog look, too!
ReplyDeleteSuch cute photos! Harper Elizabeth is a very pretty name :)
So, so precious. Time just flies, doesn't it?! Enjoy that sweet babe- they grow fast! xo
ReplyDeleteShe is absolutely precious!