My little Alabama peanut turned one last week!
My friend Brittany's little boy, Luke, is my little peanut incase you don't know.
They moved to Alabama a year or so ago, so seeing them isn't as common as we would like. Brittany was throwing Luke a first birthday party, but due to a mini family vacation the same weekend, we weren't able to attend.
To make up for missing the party, I decided to head down to Alabama to deliver Luke's birthday gift and spend some one-on-one time with Luke and his mama. Although, I was completely bummed out for missing the party, it probably turned out better that I went down there because I was able to spend some quality time with them that wouldn't have happened at the party.
Luke seemed to love his birthday gifts, and it was fun, as always, catching up with Brittany since our wedding in June.
Try not to die from the cuteness.
Once you've asked your girls to stand beside you on your wedding day, the next thing you have to do is pick out a bridesmaid dress!
After everybody oohed and awed at you trying on wedding gowns, telling you what you should try on and how pretty you looked in that awful tulle ball gown you would never be caught dead in - it's now your turn to sit down, relax and watch your girls prance around in lovely bridesmaid dresses.
Before you go into your appointment with your bridesmaids, here are a few tips to take into consideration before you conquer the challenge.
1. Don't take all your bridesmaids.
Unless you have an abundant amount of patience, and you want to piss somebody off.
Originally, I had four bridesmaids. The two that lived the closest to me were the ones that went along to the appointment at the bridal boutique.
While you value all of your friends opinions, there's bound to be somebody who has an issue with the dress you picked. Instead of giving everybody an option, tell them what they're wearing instead.
Bottom line: The less opinions the better.
2. Take body shape into consideration.
Unless you want a boob or a butt to pop out at the alter.
All of my bridesmaids had different body shapes, and I LOVE that about them.
Each one is beautiful in their own way, and I want to accentuate their beauty not drag it down. The two bridesmaids I had at appointment day had two very different body shapes.
But the dress I ended up picking was flattering on both girls.

Bottom line: You do have these pictures forever you know.
3. Take price into consideration.
Unless you want your bridesmaids living in cardboard boxes on a street corner.
We all know how expensive weddings can be.
While that $500 dress might be totally gorgeous, do you really want your bridesmaids going broke over a dress they're going to wear one time? I promise, if you keep looking, you'll find a dress that works better for everybody's budget that is just as beautiful.
Bottom line: You want your bridesmaids to still be your friend after your wedding day.
4. Don't take it so seriously.
Unless you want to be a miserable bride that nobody wants to be around.
Go into this appointment feeling light-hearted and thankful.
Thankful that you're sharing such a special time in your life with the ladies you love.
This should be fun for everybody, and if the bride is not happy, nobody is happy.
You'll find the perfect dress eventually, it's okay.
Bottom line: Don't be a bridezilla.
5. Be open-minded.
Unless you want to never find a bridesmaid dress.
The original thought in my head for a bridesmaid dress was short and flowy since our wedding was outside during the summer. But the more short dresses my girls tried on, the more I realized that wasn't the style.
I opened my mind to long dresses, and that was it. It was the most flattering on my bridesmaids, and it was really classy.
Bottom line: Don't knock it until you try it.
Just remember - have fun, be calm, stay relaxed, and be thankful.
Enjoy this wonderful time in your life.
Your wedding day will be here before you know it!
All my brides/wives out there - do you have any extra tips for newly engaged gals about to venture into bridesmaid dress territory?