Bumpdate || Thirty-Four

Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: She's the size of a pineapple or a butternut squash - whichever you prefer. Either way she's around 18 inches long and about 5 pounds. I'm anxious to see how big she is actually is at our last ultrasound in two weeks!
Symptoms: Puffy and mildly swollen legs, feet, and ankles - which I notice more when my pants and shoes are constricting. Waking up in the middle of the night a couple times with heartburn, but will go away if I prop myself up more. More difficulty moving this big ol' belly around. And just tired. Completely ready for a week break for Thanksgiving
Gender: A sweet little girl. Post here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: Jabs, punches, kicks, pushes. You name it. She's a pretty active little lady in the mornings and evenings, but will remind me she's still hanging out in there right before lunch when I'm hungry. She had her first round (or first round mama could actually feel) of hiccups the other night!
Nursery: Waiting on this crib sheet and getting really impatient about it! Put the knobs on her dresser this week! If it hadn't rained for the last 7 days, Cody could finish her little book shelves. Her crib skirt is ordered also! And I plan on getting some prints and pictures printed to put up also! I love sitting in her room or walking by and peeking in. It's my favorite!
Maternity Clothes: Yoga pants are my weekend staple pretty much. It's a sad time when your biggest t-shirts are tight. I may or may not have had a hormonal breakdown about what I was going to wear the other day because I HATE how everything feels. So whiny, I know.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good - a couple of nights of heartburn like I mentioned. Some nights I haven't even gotten up to go to the bathroom because I've been so tired. I can't complain about this at all.
Best Moment This Week: Meeting one of my best friend's little girl, Avery, for the first time on Saturday! I'm so in love with her already! And it was so good to see Brittany and my peanut, Luke. I love them all. :)
Missing Anything: Feeling normal in clothes, but I love my belly so much. It's a battle. Oh, and the sun. Because I don't remember the last time I've seen it.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing particularly this week. I've been really hungry this week though.
Mood: I'll throw some honesty out there - feeling really tired from drained from work honestly. My patience and effort is completely lacking with trying to get everything ready and done for when I leave for maternity leave and the lack of support from human resources with helping me answer questions I have about it. Exhausting. I'm much happier when I'm at home with my sweet hubby and fur babies.
Husband: Still the BEST. So sweet and loving. So helpful and patient. So kind and generous. I couldn't ask for a better person to be experiencing this with right now. I love him sooo much and I know Harper will too.
Looking Forward To: Our doctor's appointment this afternoon!
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eleven || twelve || thirteen
fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen || nineteen
twenty || twenty-one || twenty-two
twenty-three || twenty-four || twenty-five

twenty-six || twenty-seven || twenty-eight

twenty-nine || thirty || thirty-one
thirty-two || thirty-three

34 weeks? You're getting so close to meeting your sweet little girl!
ReplyDeleteHa I remember like in the second trimester I'd try to wear the tightest shirts because I wanted my belly to show.. but then you get to that point where your belly is just too big and it's looks ridiculous! It's baggy shirts from there on out ;) You look great, I hope you have a relaxing maternity leave after all this last minute work stress.
ReplyDeletehome stretch! why is maternity leave so difficult for HR to help with!? people have babies all the time! I had the same issues at my job. hope you get it all worked out soon! :)
ReplyDeleteSo close love! Have you seen her move from the outside yet? Are you planning on working right until she is due or taking a few days off before? I am 100% ready for a long weekend during Thanksgiving!