Bumpdate || Thirty-Seven

How far along: 37 weeks - inching closer to the finish line!
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: The size of a winter melon, or Cody prefers - a tackle box. She should be getting close to six pounds hopefully, and probably around 19 inches long. She seems pretty little to me.
Symptoms: Still (attempting to rock) the puffy face. Mildly swollen feet and ankles - the norms of being 9 months pregnant. Definitely feeling more pressure because she is so low now. Exhausted really easily, but the urge to nest is in full force. CLEAN EVERYTHING!
Gender: All girl. Post here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: More rolls, jabs, shifts, and pushes. I can feel her little butt and back pushing out around my belly button a lot.
Nursery: Cody and his dad put up her book shelves, and I have to say it completely changed the look of the room with all her little books up there. I love them so much! Her crib sheet FINALLY arrived! Cody so meticulously put up the prints on her walls, and I was so proud of him! Nursery is done - minus her monogram, which will probably be done after she arrives.
Maternity Clothes: Leggings and whatever fits on the top. I broke my boots - you know, the only pair of shoes that fit these ginormous feet. So it's going to be slippers, flip-flops, and tennis shoes for the WIN!
Sleep: I sleep for about 2-3 hours at a time, which is fine considering that's what my new schedule will be when she's here for awhile. Just getting really hot, uncomfortable, and taking several potty breaks.
Best Moment This Week: Thanksgiving with our families! Our first Thanksgiving in our new house, and although it wasn't exactly how we planned, it was perfect!
Missing Anything: I already know I'll miss being pregnant, but I won't miss the difficulty of rolling around in bed trying to find a comfortable position. Or looking like a beached whale. :)
Cravings/Aversions: Chick-fil-a chicken salad sandwiches! And cinnamon poptarts. And just sweets in general.
Mood: Feeling more and more ready for our little peanut to come home. Very grateful for everybody who has helped me get ready for her - especially my sister, who cleaned and picked up our house without a complaint. Harper and I owe her BIG TIME. :)
Doctor's Appointment: We thought we might be having a Thanksgiving baby for awhile after our last appointment. My blood pressure was even higher when they first checked it at the doctor's office, and there were more proteins in my urine. So, my doctor thought it would be better to have more tests run to have a better idea of what the next step should be. So, after being sent to the hospital, hooked up for another stress test, and blood being taken, we stayed at the hospital for about 2 hours. If they had come back not so good, I would be induced. Luckily, after laying down for two hours, and my blood pressure and tests results coming back completely perfect, we were sent home. But because everything was SO perfect when I was laying down, I'm now on COMPLETE bed rest - at least for the next week. I'm only a centimeter dilated, so we'll check it out again next appointment and see how things look. We may be meeting her a little earlier than expected!
Husband: Wonderful! Dealing with my crazy hormones and putting up her book shelves made this mama h-a-p-p-y. Worked really hard on finishing up her nursery, and giving me lots of pep talks to calm my hormonal butt down. He's the best.
Looking Forward To: Meeting our little babe!
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eleven || twelve || thirteen
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seventeen || eighteen || nineteen
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twenty-six || twenty-seven || twenty-eight

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thirty-five || thirty-six

You're almost there! :)
ReplyDeleteA tackle box- man girl that does not seem so little to be hanging out inside of you! I still can't believe that our bodies can grow something so huge and still preform all the normal functions! Since we are just 10 weeks apart, I love reading your updates. Where did you get her monogram? I have been looking at getting her name in cursive but it was far too expensive!
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing Lauren! Your definitely glowing <3