Bumpdate || Thirty-Six

How far along: 36 weeks - 9 MONTHS PREGNANT. Holy cow.
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A CABBAGE PATCH KID! We actually know exactly how much she weighs after our doctor's appointment last week - 5.7 pounds! Not quite sure how long she is, but she should be around 18-19 inches or so.
Symptoms: The chubby pregnant face has officially made an appearance. I think the high blood pressure doesn't help either - thanks water retention. Lots of acid reflux these past few nights, enough to wake me up and keep me up at night. Achy legs. And, well achy everything. Puffy and swollen legs and feet when I'm up too long, which is now less and less now that I'm on bed rest.
Gender: Confirmed once again from our ultrasound last week, a little girl. Post here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: Lots and lots the last few days and nights. Her most active times are still the same - mornings and evenings. Lazy girl during the day.
Nursery: Took a trip to Hobby Lobby to try and figure out what frames I want for her walls. I'm kinda stuck right now with what I want, but I'm hoping I can make some decisions sooner rather than later... Crib sheet "shipped" last Monday, but stopped for the entire week. So after a complaint (yet again), the crib sheet magically started making it's way here. Here's to hoping it gets here before this little lady actually arrives.
Maternity Clothes: My favorite thing about bed rest - 24/7 leggings. And I don't have to wear the only pair of seasonally appropriate shoes that will squeeze on these block feet.
Sleep: It took me about 36 weeks to struggle in this department, and struggling is what's been going on every night the past week. This struggle bus is on a nightly routine, too, which is weird. Fall asleep, wake up sweating profousely, bathroom, fall asleep, acid reflux, fall asleep, wake up, bathroom, lay back down, get cold, pull covers from husband, fall back asleep, and then Maci decides she wants to go outside around 6 every morning. Now if only we can get Harper on this strict of a routine once she arrives...
Best Moment This Week: We took a little break from bed rest and celebrated our little girl with another shower with Cody's family. I'm glad I can still do light activities as long as I'm relaxing and sitting majority of the day. AND having our final ultrasound this past week made my heart want to explode! Seeing those little lips, and nose, and cheeks...eek!
Missing Anything: A normal, non-puffy face?
Cravings/Aversions: New craving - Chick-fil-a chicken salad sandwiches and wraps. Yes, please!
Mood: Such a wide range this past week - disappointed, shocked, stressed to so suddenly be pulled from my classroom and put on best rest, especially with having so much to do still before maternity leave. A little overwhelmed with trying to get the house and nursery ready for our little peanut to come home, especially since I can't do much majority of the day. (thank goodness for helpers!) But excited that we're getting closer and closer to finally meeting our daughter!
Doctor's Appointment: Well obviously, I'm on bed rest. Blood pressure was even higher than the appointment before, which was a little shocking considering I monitored it at home all week. We had an ultrasound and found out she was about 5.7 pounds as of now. She's head down, which is a relief because I honestly wasn't sure. We have another appointment on Wednesday, which I'll have another non-stress test.
Husband: Pretty sure I'm driving him crazy with all my nesting needs. He's been very helpful with best rest, and making sure I'm doing (or not doing) what I need to do. I think we're both ready to meet this little girl!
Looking Forward To: Thanksgiving in yoga pants!!
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twenty-six || twenty-seven || twenty-eight

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thirty-five || thirty-six

Cheers to Thanksgiving in yoga pants!!! You look beautiful, mama. You really do. Even if you don't feel like it (believe me I was SO hard on myself with puffy face ewwies), I promise you do!!!! xx
ReplyDeleteDon't stress too much over the crib sheet because if you're anything like me, you'll have a 5 month old who still hasn't spent more than 30 seconds in her crib haha!
ReplyDeleteYou look great.. and I hope your pressure goes down. I'll keep my eye out on my natural moms facebook group for natural remedies, and if I see anything I may email you. I'm sure you've searched it all but you never know.
You are SO close to meeting that sweet little one!!! And PTL she's head down! Keep resting and try to savor it since you'll be busy, busy, busy once she's here :)! xx
ReplyDeleteI've so enjoyed your journey! You are so close now and you're looking fantastic. Sending thoughts and prayers your way for the last stretch!
ReplyDeleteYou make pregnancy look gorgeous hun. Good luck with things and I hope it goes good for you. Glad to read you have lots of help.