Harper | Six Months
Oh, Harper. You are our wild child, social butterfly, complete sweetheart, and love of our lives. We adore everything about you, and love getting to know you more and more each day. You surprise us every day with how smart, observant, and free-spirited you are. We love you more than you will ever know.

Nicknames: Harpie, Harpie Bug
Weight: 18 pounds - almost 19 pounds.
Height: A little over 25 inches still.
Looks: Looking less like my sweet little baby, and more and more like a little girl everyday. We're loving those baby rolls - especially those thighs and wrist rolls! Your hair is still a dirty shade of blonde, but maybe with a hint of red. Your hair has filled in a lot this past month and getting longer! Blue eyes like daddy for now.
Personality: A little firecracker, that's for sure! You keep us on our toes, always wanting to touch and grab whatever is around you. You're very observant and really take everything and everybody in. You are still our little social butterfly. You don't meet a stranger, and will flash a smile at just about anybody and everybody. You're not scared to try different things as of now.
Eating: We introduced a few more solids to the mix this past month - apples, bananas, pears, peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots (hurt your belly - so we stopped), and squash.You have cereal morning and afternoon, mixed with a fruit or veggie. And just a fruit and veggie in the evening. We had a little bit of a setback with your formula this month - you struggled taking it, so we cut back on the cereal mixed in with the baby food, which has seemed to help a little bit.
Sleeping: Sleeping at night was much better than the previous month, but with a few tough nights mixed in. Naps are pretty inconsistent. Most naps are little cat naps - about 30 minutes or so.
Wearing: Wearing mostly 6 month clothes. Size 3 in diapers.
Favorite Things: AUNT WHITNEY! She pretty much can walk into the room, and you light up. You love your dogs, talking, jumping in your jumper, being outside, SWIMMING!!!
Least Favorite Things: Taking naps, getting too hot, carrots upset your belly. :(
Within the last month:
- You started saying "Ma Ma" - you might not know what it means, but you're saying it!
- Aunt Whitney babysat you a bunch since she was out of work before her new job
- You got to visit mommy's school and help her pack up to move to her new school
- We celebrated Daddy's birthday this month!
- You went swimming for the first time and absolutely LOVED it! You are such a water baby. You even kick your legs and move your arms!
- You started riding in the buggie while we grocery shop
- Mommy got out for summer vacation, so we've spent a lot of time together!
- You went to your first car show, which made Daddy extra happy!
- You helped Mama and Daddy celebrate their second wedding anniversary

previous months

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