Bow or Beau || Old Wives Tales
This afternoon we have our gender determination ultrasound!
I'm crossing my fingers our little peanut is in a good position and the ultrasound tech can easily determine boy vs. girl. This is completely life changing news and I can't help but wonder if we'll be seeing lots of blue or pink in the upcoming weeks!
We won't be finding out Baby C's gender until our gender reveal party on Sunday.
Talk about two days of torture!
But I'm excited to find out at the same time as all our family and friends.
If you're just as curious as me as to what our little peanut will be, follow me on Instagram and wait for the pink or blue to pop up Sunday afternoon!
While we wait for the news, I can't help but look at old wives tales to predict blue or pink. So I thought I'd share a few to help in the prediction department!
Low or High
Carrying baby low could mean boy. Carrying baby high could mean girl.
Baby C: After our doctor's appointment yesterday, baby seems to be pretty low!
Girl: 0 Boy: 1
Blemishes or Not
Stealing mom's beauty with unwelcome blemishes? Girl. Mom looks beautiful as ever? Boy.
Baby C: I could probably pass for a teenage girl going through puberty, especially this week with all the blemishes. It's not a pretty sight.
Baby's Heartbeat
A heartbeat 150 or above mean girl. A heartbeat below 150 means boy.
Baby C: Each time we've heard the heartbeat it's been above 150. At our doctor's appointment yesterday, baby's heartbeat was 155.
Salty vs. Sweet
Girls are all about sugar and spice. Boys are a little salty and sour.
Baby C: I don't know what pizza, steak and mashed potatoes falls under, but if I had to pick something salty over something sweet, I think I'd pick salty.
Chinese Calendar
The Chinese used age and month of conception to determine the gender of the baby.
Baby C: According to the Chinese calendar, we'll be welcoming a baby girl this December.
Mayan Calendar
The Mayans used a similar method. If the age and year the baby was conceived is both odd or even, it's a girl. If one is odd and one is even, it's a boy.
Baby C: 25 & 2015 - both odd. Apparently it's a girl.
Daddy Gaining Weight
If Dad is gaining weight right along with Mama, it could be a girl.
Baby C: Dad seems to be losing weight. And mom doesn't like it. :)
Nausea or Not
Fighting nausea throughout the day could mean you're having a girl. Not so much? Probably a boy.
Baby C: Fought nausea for a few weeks in the afternoon. It's sneaked back up on me a few days last week and this week.
Sleep Position
Sleeping on your right side? Girl. Sleeping on your left? Boy.
Baby C: More so on the left.
Soft Hands or Dry Hands
If you're hands are feeling a little extra dry these days, could mean you're having a boy. If your hands are soft, you're having a girl.
Baby C: Hands are soft - no signs of dryness.
Face Weight Gain
If mama is gaining weight in the face, expect a little girl.
Baby C: In my opinion it has!
Moody Much?
Having those pregnancy mood swings? Little girl on the way.
Sweet as pie? It's a little boy!
Baby C: This mama is riding the hot mess express of emotions these days.
Dreaming of Baby
Dreaming about one gender more than the other? You're having the opposite!
Baby C: Every dream I've had, has been with a little girl. So that would mean we're having a boy!
Total Tallies
Girl - 9
Boy - 4
According to these silly little old wives tales, we better be breaking out the pink!
Mama's gut feeling is still all boy and I'm sticking to it. :)
We'll find out for sure on Sunday, and I know if we see either pink or blue, we'll both be shocked, surprised and completely ecstatic to get to know our little baby a little bit better!
If you want to check out what our little peanut will be on Sunday, follow me on Instagram to get a sneak peek!
What's your pick - little boy or little girl!? :)

My gut says boy!
ReplyDeleteExciting times!! The old wives tales always cracked me up... It's a 50/50 chance for boy or girl. 100% chance you have a beautiful happy baby!! Can't wait to hear the news!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on you little girl!! I know you are thrilled. :)
ReplyDeleteI wanna say boy also, can't wait to find out! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so much fun!! LOVE your reveal invites!! That's so much fun you waited to find out with your family and friends. Can't believe it ended up being a girl!