Bumpdate || Eighteen
How far along: 18 weeks
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A sweet potato! Holy potato. Almost 6 inches, not quite.
Symptoms: I'm adding swollen ankles (yay for kankles - not.) and puffy looking feet to my symptom list this week. I worked pretty diligently in my classroom the other day and I think I may have been on my feet too much, hence the kankles. Acne like a preteen. Stuffy nose morning and evening. A couple afternoons of nausea. And a tummy feeling really full, tight and just LARGE.
Gender: My sweet little GIRL. :) You can check out our gender reveal party here.
Name: After several opinions (all nice ones, but opinions nonetheless) about the two names we had narrowed down for our sweet baby girl, I kinda wanted to find something different and not tell anybody until it was final. Feeling a little hopeless, Cody and I found a couple names we really love and are now leaning towards those. Once they're final, we'll let the world know!
Movement: Her movements are still random - usually when I'm hungry, have eaten or in the evenings when I'm relaxing and calm. Some days it's more than others. She should be getting stronger and stronger each day!
Nursery: We visited Pottery Barn Kids over the weekend, which of course left me dying to start on her nursery. We've been really trying to pick out a crib that we like, and I'm wondering if I should look into the low profile crib at Pottery Barn since I'm pretty short. I know when they first start in the crib the mattress is raised higher, which I can easily reach. I'm just worried about when baby girl gets bigger and the mattress needs to be lowered so we don't end up with a dare devil of a baby.
Maternity Clothes: This whole body of mine is OUT OF CONTROL. Trying on my regular clothes is pretty darn depressing. Cody's sweet cousin let me borrow some of her maternity tops, which I couldn't have been more thankful for. And I plan on doing some shopping before school starts.
Sleep: Not the best. Flipping and turning a lot to get comfortable.
Best Moment This Week: Maybe deciding on a name?! Eeek!
Missing Anything: I don't even need to say it.
Cravings/Aversions: Chicken salad. Greek salads.
Health/Exercise: Working in my classroom for six hours was plenty for me.
Mood: So excited to be having a girl still! Happy for the most part!
Husband: Always talking about what kind of dad he'll be to our sweet girl. Excited to feel her move, even though we have a few weeks until she's strong enough.
Looking Forward To: Watching this belly grow. We have our 20 week anatomy ultrasound in a couple weeks, so although I don't want summer break to end, I sure do want this appointment to hurry and get here! I can't wait to see her little face in detail!
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eight || nine || ten
eleven || twelve || thirteen
fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen

Good luck with narrowing down your names and choosing one! I'm sure y'all will pick out the perfect name for your little girl!
ReplyDeleteLook at your precious little bump! Names are so hard, aren't they?! I know whatever yall decide, it will be perfect for her!
ReplyDeleteSo stinkin sweet!!! xx
ReplyDeleteLook at your little bump, so cute!!! Don't you hate how people have to give their opinions on everything? I am sure you guys are going to come up with the most perfect name!
ReplyDeleteYou're looking so great! It's funny how many opinions you get on names, or actually on second thought it isn't that funny :) It will be interesting to see what people say once we finally introduce them to our little girl and they find out her name. I've already gotten lots of comments on the fact that we aren't sharing our choice till she's here. But you have to just do what's best for you guys and whatever name you both like the best and you feel like fits her! It will be perfect, whatever you choose
ReplyDeleteAre name conversations the most fun?! Can't believe how close to "half way there" you are! :)
ReplyDelete*Aren't name.. ;)
DeleteYou look so cute!!!! And I can't wait to find out what you decide to name her!
ReplyDeleteSarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
I don't think you could be any cuter!! Can't wait to hear her name :) :)