Bumpdate || Nineteen
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A mango - 6 inches, 8.5 ounces.
Symptoms: Really can't complain about symptoms this week. Acne seems to have gotten better, but still present. Stuffy nose morning and night, but I can deal. Some round ligament pain. But not too much of anything else - keeping my fingers crossed!
Gender: A precious little girl. You can check out our gender reveal party here.
Name: Thinking we've made the decision. Haven't really finalized anything or decided to announce it yet. Still making sure it's the one. Saying it a lot to make sure it sounds good too!
Movement: Movements are more at night than during the day. Some days its more than others, and some days I don't feel much at all (which kinda worries me when I don't feel much).
Nursery: Still on the hunt for the perfect crib. Debating how much we want to spend. I have a feeling we're just going to have to pick one and be done with it. I found a dresser that's a good price that'll I'll probably go with. And I think I have a color scheme in mind. Once we have the gender confirmed on Monday at our ultrasound, I'll feel better about making some nursery decisions!
Maternity Clothes: I'm giving in finally to maternity clothes by ordering some online. It's like I've been boycotting for the last 15 weeks, but it really just hasn't been too desperately needed thanks to my lazy summer wardrobe. I tried on dresses that used to be pretty loose and then I just end up feeling like a sausage. My tummy isn't the only thing growing - butt, boobs and thighs are having a field day with this whole pregnancy thing. But I still wouldn't change it for the world.
Sleep: No problems sleeping at all. Taking advantage of my summer sleeping schedule for a few more days since it'll really be the last summer of sleeping in however long I want to. The days I work in my classroom especially make for an extra good sleeping night.
Best Moment This Week: Celebrating my sweet little peanut, Luke, at his birthday party this past Saturday. It was great seeing Brittany and watching her sweet little belly grow!
Missing Anything: DUH. Sandwiches!
Cravings/Aversions: I crave things and then I have it and I don't want it anymore. It becomes a little repulsing. Like the chicken salad and Greek salads I made for lunch this week. Not feeling it anymore. There's really nothing in particular I'm dying to have anymore.
Health/Exercise: Eating pretty good. Aside from my ice cream the last couple of nights...
Mood: EXCITED about our little girl. Getting a little sad about going back to work...call me spoiled.
Husband: Still excited we're having a little girl. Excited about our next doctor's appointment!
Looking Forward To: Our ultrasound on MONDAY! We have an appointment with a specialist to check to make sure that baby girl is still a baby girl, and making sure she's healthy and growing strong. We can't wait to see her sweet little face!!!
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eight || nine || ten
eleven || twelve || thirteen
fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen

Your bump is looking adorable!! We purchased our crib on Amazon. We got a great price on it and the best part, free shipping! It was a reputable brand that several baby department stores carry. I highly recommend going that route! Have fun getting your classroom decorated!!
ReplyDeleteHow are you almost halfway through your pregnancy? We ended up with a crib from Babies R Us and it's perfect for Sophie, I do wish we would have gotten a different style, but the one we have is so sturdy and is bale to be converted into a toddler bed too.
ReplyDeleteliz @ sundays with sophie
Yay!! I love that I get to be pregnant with you! haha. I have been craving veggie delights from Subway! I wonder if you went there and got one if you could trick yourself with getting a "sub sandwich" fix??? maybe! I just tell them to hold the cheese and of course the meats!
ReplyDeleteyou look beautiful! I would be missing sandwiches too :)
ReplyDeleteHelene In Between