Bumpdate || Twenty
Um, how did this happen? Half way through my pregnancy, and I feel like this little wiggle worm was just the size of a poppy seed last week! I can't believe I've hit the twenty week mark, and am still shocked and completely thrilled to know and have it confirmed yet again that we're going to be spoiled with a little girl come this December. Pregnancy definitely has had it's unpleasant moments, but I love the journey and can't wait to see what part two of this pregnancy has in store for us!
How far along: 20 weeks (20 weeks, 4 days to be exact)
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A banana - about 6 inches, 10 ounces. We had a routine appointment at a perinatal doctor this past week, and baby girl was measuring right on track in every way.
Symptoms: THE PREGNANCY DREAMS! So bizarre and so many of them. I don't feel like I'm getting the right amount of sleep because I'm constantly dreaming and waking up either scared out of my mind about something I can't even remember or thinking about how random and odd the dream was. Other than that, I've been doing okay in the symptom department. I've had some round ligament pains, but nothing too bad. A few evenings of sore hips and a sore back, usually when I've spent the day in my classroom. Seems like acne has come back a little. Yuck.
Gender: Like I mentioned before, we had it confirmed we were having a sweet little girl! Our first ultrasound wasn't done by my doctor, and because I was SO convinced I was having a boy, I wanted to wait until this past appointment to really set it in my mind that I was going to be a girl mama. Let the baby clothes shopping begin!
You can check out our gender reveal party here.
Name: We pretty much have her name, and I really don't know what we're waiting on to announce it. :) Just making sure it's THE ONE.
Movement: This week I've definitely felt more movement than previous weeks. It's still more typical at night for me to feel her, but it's picked up more during the day. Before I was feeling her little kicks on my left side where her little legs are. This week she must have done some extra bicep curls in there, because she's thrown a few punches more in the middle of my belly!
Nursery: Now that I KNOW she's a little lady, I want to start getting some of the big pieces bought. I still can't decide on a crib, and I really don't want to spend an arm and a leg. Oh, the decisions! I found some colors I really like, I just need to find coordinating bedding.
Maternity Clothes: Well I did it. I bought maternity clothes. Although I don't feel like my belly is very pronounced yet (I still just look fat in most outfits cause I'm carrying low and in my hips), I knew I needed some clothes for back to school. I really don't know why people don't wear maternity pants all the time because they're amazing. Who needs button and zippers. Not this pregnant lady!
Sleep: See above. Weird dreams, scary dreams, random dreams. Tossing and turning. My sweeeeeeet new neighbor let me borrow her body pillow and I LOVE it. I can't thank her enough for saving me money in purchasing one.
Best Moment This Week: Our ultrasound this past Monday! She looked as cute as ever, and was so relieved to know that everything looks perfectly healthy! It really made me SO excited to meet her in December!
Missing Anything: My request after I give birth is a Publix Sub. Wheat bread. Turkey. Mayo. Swiss cheese. Spicy mustard. Lettuce. Pickles. Oil. Vinegar. Salt. Pepper. Oregano. With a side of a Varsity chili dog with mustard. Got that? Whoever brings me that first gets to hold the baby.
Cravings/Aversions: Although a sandwich and chili dog sounds nice, I really can't say I'm craving anything. I don't have any aversions really anymore, but I just don't like food that much recently. I eat because I have to. But nothing sounds super amazing.
Health/Exercise: Still eating pretty good. Moving around A LOT when I'm working in my classroom. Moving to the point my muscles are sore by that evening and for the next few days. That's my exercise.
Mood: SO EXCITED to be having a little girl still. I just can't even stand it!
Husband: Relieved we have a healthy little girl! Told me the other day that I looked pregnant and it made him really excited. I really didn't know if that meant I looked fat, but he said no. (good answer!) He complimented my growing belly and said it just feels more real now. He can't wait to watch my belly keep growing. Which I thought was sweet.
Looking Forward To: I don't know if I'm looking forward to going back to work on Monday, but I'm excited to get the school year started in the sense that I'm that much closer to meeting my baby girl!
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eleven || twelve || thirteen
fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen || nineteen

I will be ready and waiting with your sub & varsity! ;) Can't wait to get my hands on that sweet girl! I miss you guys like crazy, we need to get together asap!
ReplyDeleteSo exciting!! A sweet baby girl! Love it! xx
ReplyDeleteThe next 10 weeks go by even faster trust me!! Enjoy it xo
ReplyDeleteThe next 10 weeks go by even faster trust me!! Enjoy it xo
ReplyDeleteThe next 10 weeks go by even faster trust me!! Enjoy it xo
ReplyDeleteOh, you are half way through and glowing! Beautiful photo. Can't wait to hear the name you chose. I know it is so hard to decide on just one. It seems so final, but I'm sure whatever you picked will be exactly who she is!
ReplyDeleteI bet going without sandwiches is super hard! As soon as someone tells me I can't have something, that's all I can think about eating! Sounds like your pregnancy is going great!
You look so adorable! Congrats on hitting the 1/2 way mark!
ReplyDeleteYay! Halfway there! Pregnancy dreams are SO weird! Buying for a baby girl is seriously so much fun! I can't get enough!