Bumpdate || Twenty-Four

Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A cantaloupe - around 11 inches, a pound and a half. She can now hear the yaps of Maci. Poor girl.
Symptoms: Pregnancy brain is still hanging on and hunger has crept into the picture as well. I've been super hungry here recently, but I do get full really fast. Smaller meals work better (feeling like your stomach is going to explode isn't the best feeling). Swollen feet and ankles on the days I wear closed in shoes. Some back pain if I sit on the floor too long.
Gender: A sweet little girl! Our gender reveal party here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. I love that we finally decided and announced. Much more real now. Post here.
Movement: Sometimes I have no clue what she's doing in there with her hands. I rarely felt hand/arm movements until this week. All. day. long. And VERY low. Her kicks are still on my left side, but definitely feel more arm/hand movements in the middle and a little to the right. She was so active all week long, which has definitely been a change.
Nursery: The nursery is painted! The crib, glider & mattress are ordered! We should get them by the beginning of September. We'll get the dresser next. I'm having issues coming up with a vision with bedding, decor, etc. I'm hoping to find something that just speaks to me.
Maternity Clothes: Regular pants seem out of the question. My belly bands lasted about three weeks. I could probably wear them, but who wants to be uncomfortable when you can wear pants that stretch? Not I. Shirts are a mix still. I put on a dress that I thought I could wear cause it was pretty lose back in my pre-preggo days - I looked like I was going to the club. Not second grade.
Sleep: Trips to the bathroom a few times a night. Sleep is pretty good otherwise.
Best Moment This Week: Cody finally feeling the little babe while painting her nursery! It was so sweet and I had been waiting for that moment for so many weeks now. She gave him a couple of good kicks. :)
Missing Anything: My wedding rings... I decided to go ahead and take them off about two weeks ago. I had some pain in one hand and my fingers were a little puffy. I don't want to risk leaving them on and my fingers suddenly decide to become sausages. I felt a little too naked without them, so I bought a cheapie replacement...I had to.
Cravings/Aversions: Just food. I want to eat a lot. Nothing in particular really. Aversions have gone away pretty much.
Health/Exercise: Even though I'm eating a lot, I still try and do it healthy. Not much time for walking little Maci, trying to squeeze it in on the weekends.
Mood: Pretty happy for the most part. A little stressed about nursery plans. I get very tired by Thursday and Friday, so I'm more like a zombie from Walking Dead by then.
Husband: Rocked it out and painted the nursery! Felt little girl move for the first time. Talks to her and rubs my belly pretty often here recently. Good week for daddy!
Looking Forward To: Um, hello. FOOTBALL SEASON. Little girl will be going to her first game on Saturday! Go Dawgs! :)
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eleven || twelve || thirteen
fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen || nineteen
twenty || twenty-one || twenty-two
twenty-three || twenty-four

You look amazing! Can't wait to see what y'all end up doing with the nursery!
ReplyDeleteI love reading your bumpdates - it gives me a glimpse of what's to come! (I'm 18 weeks now). And you look great!
ReplyDeleteYou look GREAT girl!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou look lovely! Glowing!