Bumpdate || Twenty-Two

*Thank you for all your sweet blog comments on my last few posts. I promise I read them all and they all make my heart so happy. I love reading what you have to say, and I completely am blaming the busy season of back to school on not many comments back. Eventually, I'll work my way back a blogging routine! :)
How far along: 22 weeks
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: Sweet little girl is as big as a spaghetti squash - around 8 inches. She finally reached the full pound mark. Grow baby grow!
Symptoms: Sore feet!!! Normally starts right in the early afternoon (now that I'm back at work), which makes for a really wonderful day. It doesn't really matter what shoes I wear, they just ache if I'm walking or standing a lot. Round ligament pain - definitely more difficult to twist and turn. Lovely little acne bumps on my face. Complete exhaustion this past week due to our first week back at school with kiddos and waking up at 4:45am daily. I'm even more emotional and can cry at anything due to the mixture of hormones and just plain tiredness.
Gender: A sweet little babe. You can check out our gender reveal party here.
Name: I've been spreading the word to friends and family. I'm planning on sharing sometime this week on the blog!
Movement: So much movement! Definitely a little night owl with all her kicks, punches and wiggles in the evening. A lot more movement felt on the outside. I even have a few videos of kicks! They're my favorite. :)
Nursery: Definitely made major progress this week with picking things out. I'm terrible at making decisions, which is why nothing has been done so far. But with seventeen weeks left, it's kinda time make some nursery magic happen! We'll be ordering the crib this week, and hopefully the dresser on Saturday. We're registering on Wednesday, so we decided to go ahead and pick a paint color at Home Depot while we're over in the area!
Maternity Clothes: I ordered some more tops from Old Navy last week, which arrived this weeked. I should be set for the next few weeks. I bought five tops, originally $96, but with a coupon code and some rewards cash brought it down to $44. #pregnancywin
Sleep: Still can't get enough of it. Going to bed at a decent time helps, but I'm pretty sure when you wake up before 5am, you're going to be tired regardless. Better get used to it, right?
Best Moment This Week: We had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday so we could check how I'm measuring belly wise and to listen to little babe's heartbeat. She was wiggling so much, it was hard to hear it really well, but it was around 153 which is perfect and so good to hear! (Next appointment is my glucose test in September)
Missing Anything: I mean sandwiches would be nice, but at this point I've gotten used to missing out on it. I do miss having normal feet now. Ones that don't hurt all. the. time.
Cravings/Aversions: Not so much. No ice cream and pickles type cravings here.
Health/Exercise: I would like to walk Maci in the evenings once I get back to a routine with my school schedule. Eating wise it wasn't the best this week. I pretty much ate what I could at school since time is limited. And dinner was quick and easy this week.
Mood: Pretty happy with how the first week of school went. I'm hoping this honeymoon stage with my new kids lasts a pretty good while. Excited to get going with registering and the nursery! Can't wait to meet my sweet little girl in December!
Husband: Ready to feel our little babe move. And anxiously wanting to paint the nursery so we can start picturing what life will be like in just a few short weeks! So sweetly rubbed my feet a couple nights - I wouldn't mind it some more this week, darling. ;)
Looking Forward To: Registering this week and purchasing the big nursery items!
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eleven || twelve || thirteen
fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen || nineteen

twenty || twenty-one

My favorite little bump! If you need help registering let me know, I'd be more than happy to tag along!
ReplyDeleteYou're so precious!!! Xx
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to find out what her name is!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear the name you've chosen!!
ReplyDeleteI feel like when my sister was pregnant with my older nephew, sandwiches were ok to eat. Or at least she ate them. I would imagine I would miss them too! I can't wait to hear the name you have chosen!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to find out the baby name y'all have chosen!!!
ReplyDeleteSarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
Looking forward to hearing what you are naming your little girl!! (:
Congats! You look so beautiful and I can't wait to see what you name her!
You look fantastic. Seriously, all the other pregnant ladies are probably giving you the stink eye. Hope your feet are doing okay today. I had the acne and the ligament pain, too. Congrats on your baby girl! Can't wait to hear the name!