Bumpdate || Fourteen - Fifteen
With this bumpdate, I'm finally all caught up and can actually say that today, I'm officially 15 weeks! So bumpdates won't be so abundant, and I'm thinking I'll be posting on Thursdays since that's my rollover day each week.
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A lemon - even though I think our little baby is probably a little bigger each week since it's growing ahead of schedule.
Symptoms: Headaches! I kinda refuse to take medicine unless it's absolutely necessary, so I'm fighting through these headaches without it. Hips and lower back were very sore driving up to Virginia on Saturday. Tough ride! A few evenings of nausea, which I thought was gone... and indigestion after I eat dinner.
Gender: I'm thinking that there's no way this baby is a girl, but we'll find out for sure on July 5th!
Name: We're kinda set on the final names for a girl or boy. Can't wait to announce in July!
Movement: I had a headache and was feeling nauseous, so I laid down to take a nap. Except I couldn't fall asleep because it felt like a rock was rolling around in my stomach! Not sure if it was baby having a dance party, but I'll pretend it was!
Nursery: Started a boy and girl nursery Pinterest board if that counts!
Maternity Clothes: I need to get a belly band so I can wear pants. The hair tie trick worked, but was still snug. I'll probably invest in some once school gets started back.
Sleep: Sleeping great on vacation!
Best Moment This Week: Spending a week vacation with my hubby!
Missing Anything: Sub sandwiches - so bad!
Cravings/Aversions: Pasta salad - of any kind will do.
Health/Exercise: Not officially exercising on vacation, but we sure have walked a lot!
Mood: Very moody, even when I don't mean to be. Easily annoyed - these hormones are killing me. Trying my best to be patient these days.
Husband: SO PATIENT! He knows when I'm getting irritated, and tries to talk me through everything.
Looking Forward To: Our gender reveal party in a couple weeks. :)

Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: An orange - about 4 inches from crown to rump!
Symptoms: So. many. headaches. They can get pretty tough, but I've been fighting through them. Stuffy nose morning and night mostly. For some reason, I've been feeling pretty nauseous again in the afternoons. I thought this was gone 2nd trimester! Getting light headed and having to sit down - apparently you get less blood to your brain while your pregnant cause the dizzy, light-headed feeling.
Gender: I'm still on team boy, but we find out for sure next weekend if everything goes to plan!
Name: We think we have it down for boy and girl, but won't say anything until we know what we're having!
Movement: Baby is moving all around these days, but aside from my possible baby dance party at 14 weeks, I haven't felt anything since. Hoping to feel flutters soon!
Nursery: Looking at ideas for both! No progress yet.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet - Nike shorts still working for me during the week and dresses and linen shorts on the weekends.
Sleep: No complaints - just the potty breaks in the morning hours.
Best Moment This Week: Not a big moment this week, but happy and a little stressed to be planning our gender reveal.
Missing Anything: Still sandwiches, but other than that, not much.
Cravings/Aversions: I've realized once I eat something that I've been craving, I don't want it anymore and it actually sounds terrible. Like the pasta salad I made for the week, ate one day's worth, and now it's sitting in my fridge untouched. Oops.
Health/Exercise: Walking on the treadmill as much as possible! Eating pretty well too.
Mood: Pretty much living on the hot mess express these days with mood swings.
Husband: Very patient with my mood swings and very understanding!
Looking Forward To: We have a doctor's appointment next Thursday to hear the heartbeat and then our gender determination ultrasound next Friday!
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eight || nine || ten
eleven || twelve || thirteen

You have a lot of the symptoms I had, so my vote is girl! :)
ReplyDeleteSame here- I vote girl too!
DeleteLooking good, and love the bump day photos! I documented the week-by-week for my pregnancy too, and I'm so glad I did. I think it will come in handy for our next pregnancy too so I can remember each week's progress. I like the "husband" category. If I do this again, I'm adding that one :)
ReplyDeleteI went through a pasta salad phase too!! I don't get pregnancy cravings, I get pregnancy OBSESSIONS. And I will eat it until I am sick of it and will never want it again!! (At the beginning, it was sausage patties from McDonalds.. glad that's gone! ha!)
ReplyDeleteI see a baby bump starting to pop! It's adorable!! I can't wait to find out if you're having a little boy or girl. So exciting!!
ReplyDeleteLooking gorgeous as always! Love you teeny baby bump :)
ReplyDeleteXO Taylor
Just a suggestion for the headaches, go to a natural supply store or a GNC and get lavender essential oils and peppermint essential oils. Put a drop of each on your palm and rub it across your forehead and the back of your neck. It works wonders on headaches and is 100% natural! Just don't use the peppermint when you start the 3rd trimester because it can make baby turn and if your baby is already in position you don't want that. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, my vote is girl. These are the same symptoms I was having!