I'm reaching the home stretch of this pregnancy.
A week away from month seven and a third trimester mama-to-be.
I'm a little in disbelief...I mean it seems like just yesterday I was reading that little blue and white stick.
But since the day I found out about this little bundle of love, I've learned some pretty interesting things about this whole pregnancy thing. You've heard stories from friends, but there's just some stuff you won't find out until you're experiencing it for yourself. And half the time, you find out stuff that nobody even warned you about because well, they're gross. And most people don't talk about gross things. (You definitely won't read about hemorrhoids on a bumpdate in the blog world...)
So with that being said, I thought I'd mention some of things that took me by surprise and what I've learned about the beautiful, wonderful, exhausting, kinda gross, world of pregnancy.
1. Pregnancy can be gross.
Yep. It can be.
And nobody will tell you about the gross symptoms.
Bloody noses (and boogies), hemorrhoids, swollen feet and ankles kankles, acne like a 13 year old boy, gas like a hot air balloon, extra hair growth (in places you never dreamed of), stretch marks (of course), um, discharge... and the list continues.
Every woman is different, and you may not experience the icky symptoms at all. But chances are, you'll experience one or two before labor.
But you probably won't be writing them on your bumpdate anytime soon!
2. People stare at you.
Like you're a unicorn from Mars.
In my early pregnancy, I felt like people stared at me wondering if I was fat or or pregnant. I always felt like they ended up picking fat because of how I'm carrying (more in my hips than belly). But as of recent, it's very clear that I'm pregnant, but I still get the stares.
No, I'm not 16 years old. Yes, I'm married. Yes, I just look that dang good. (just kidding)
Whatever reason it may be, walking through a restaurant, you're definitely going to be turning a few heads, because well, being pregnant is just plain different. And people stare at the different.
3. Every bump is different.
Ain't that the truth.
Before I got pregnant, I pictured myself with that cute little basketball belly, walking around all cute and confident. But for a long time, I felt like the complete opposite. In my opinion, it took me a long time to get the noticeable pregnancy bump. Depending on what I wore, I had a muffin top on most days. I'm just carrying really low and have grown width wise, instead of out. My hips, butt, thighs have all gotten bigger, where my belly took a little longer to catch up. But I learned that every woman carries different. Every woman has a different shape. And every bump is different. But every bump is still beautiful.
(You're noticeable bump will come eventually, I promise!)
4. Opinions. You're going to hear a lot of them.
Keep them to yourself.
Just kidding. These are all my opinions.
But don't force your opinion on others - especially others with ridiculous, raging hormones. Like me.
Y'all heard me complain a million times over about the opinions with baby names.
Ain't nobody got time for you to list the people you don't like with that name.
I've heard a million, billion birth stories. I've heard a trillion reasons why I should breastfeed or not breastfeed. But at the end of day, your pregnancy and baby is yours and yours only.
You'll have your own story one day, and you really just have to take the opinions with a grain of salt - but not too much because you're pregnant, and you'll swell up like a balloon.
5. Welcome to the "Mommy Club."
And all you had to do was get pregnant to be let in!
It's a whole new world that you had no idea even existed until you announced to the world that you we're growing a little peanut of your own. I can't tell you how many new friends I have, how many maternity clothes have been donated, how many people truly care about how you're doing now. You now have something so special in common with the mommies of the world, and you always will now. Everyone has been so supportive and I'm so appreciative of all of my sweet mommy friends!
6. Pregnancy is a miracle, but some days suck.
It's just part of the journey.
Some days, you're going to be completely over being pregnant.
At least I feel that way sometimes. All I want is to be able to paint my toenails, walk for five minutes without being out of breath, wear my old clothes - it normally ends in a random cry fest (thanks hormones). Pregnancy can be hard! But at the end of the day, there's truly a little miracle growing inside of you. Those sweet little kicks and jabs remind you every time. That little miracle sure makes those tough days a little easier to get through knowing what's at the end of your nine month journey.