Bumpdate || Twenty-Five
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A cauliflower - a little over 13 inches. I kinda can't believe she's that big already!
Symptoms: A case of pregnancy brain - putting my face wash in the closet, aluminum foil in the fridge...what. Sore feet and legs after a few loooooooong days of standing and walking. Swollen feet and ankles. Leg cramps occasionally. Acne is still lingering - I'm guessing it's going to be there until the end.
Gender: Our little baby girl! Post here.
Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.
Movement: Not as much as last week, but she's moving around a lot regardless. I feel way more elbows and arms, where before it was mostly feet and legs. She's a busy little girl all throughout the day. And the bigger she gets the less room she's going to have.
Nursery: Like I mentioned last week, her room is painted! Her glider arrived last week, and Cody put it together for the most part. Mattress arrived also, so next up will be her crib hopefully by Tuesday! This bedding is driving me crazy - I can't find anything I love that isn't going to cost an arm and a leg!
Maternity Clothes: Pants are all maternity. Shirts are a mix still. Dresses, depending on the material are mixed. The dress above that I wore to the Georgia game was not maternity since it's pretty stretchy.
Sleep: I can't complain about sleep yet. I may take a restroom break, but I sleep perfectly fine. I find myself waking up on my back all the time! I don't know how to stop it.
Best Moment This Week: Glad we got to share a little piece of Athens with our babe this week! I can't wait to take her next year, and make her the cutest little Bulldog around town!
Missing Anything: Not much of anything - I still would like a Publix sub immediately after delivery, but I can wait for it.
Cravings/Aversions: I probably could eat pizza every day even when I'm not pregnant, but I've wanted it really bad here recently. And random enough, blueberry muffins.
Mood: Still pretty happy most days, getting excited to meet our little girl in December! I have moody moments - and 9 times out of 10 it's because I'm either hungry or exhausted.
Husband: Loving our little girl more than ever. Lots of belly rubs and conversations. Helped me clean the house on Sunday, which makes any girl happy!
Looking Forward To: We have our September doctor's appointment on Thursday. I do have my glucose test (not that I'm looking forward to it) but I like hearing her heartbeat and knowing we're one doctor's appointment closer to meeting our little babe.
{{ previous bumpdates }}
eleven || twelve || thirteen
fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen || nineteen
twenty || twenty-one || twenty-two
twenty-three || twenty-four

I feel you on the pizza craving. It is so easy for me to just grab a pizza on the way home and call it dinner. I am trying to cut back to 1x a week as my booty is starting to grow just as much as my belly!
ReplyDeleteWhy does baby bedding have to be SO expensive?! Have you heard of carousal designs? I love their bedding, but it's definitely not budget friendly. I ended up ordering her crib skirt from there because it was very elaborate and I'm planning to just do plain sheets from pottery barn and most likely no bumpers. I definitely saved by just ordering the crib skirt and mixing and matching the rest of the bedding. Hopefully it turns out the way I envision it! Good luck on your glucose test!! It's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
ReplyDeleteHonestly with "bedding" you only need a crib skirt and sheet. You could technically get those 2 things for so cheap just buying separate to match your colors. Target has the cutest sheets for $10, and we actually got our skirt at Walmart! The cute sets are so tempting, but you won't use half the stuff and.. It's just a sheet! Lol. Just my 2 cents from experience! :)
ReplyDeleteYou look so cute in your Georgia outfit, go Dawgs!!! Sounds like you guys are coming along great with the nursery! I don't understand why everything has to be so expensive?! I was out picking up some stuff for baby shower presents this weekend for various showers I have to go to this month and could not get over how expensive some things were!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe you're 25 weeks already! So exciting that the nursery is coming along.. I know that once it was all done, it made me so READY for her to be born. I'm excited to see it =)
ReplyDelete25 weeks!!! SO exciting! You're halfway to meeting your baby girl!