I'm still catching up on my early bumpdates over here.
Although, the bump wasn't changing much through these weeks, mama sure was - which is why I wanted to document these sweet little memories on my pregnancy journey.

Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A raspberry!
Symptoms: Well now the nausea has a time frame. Around 3 or 4 everyday, it hits me and it pretty much lingers until I go to bed. It's making evenings quite enjoyable, but I've found if I spend time outside in the fresh air, it normally helps for awhile. Snacks helps for about five minutes and then it's back. I'm bloated all the time these days, and I could probably pass for 4 months pregnant after I eat. My pants have seen better days.
Gender: After our first ultrasound on Thursday, I had a stronger feeling towards boy. I guess the blob on the screen resembled boy?
Name: Still waiting to find out the gender. My top girl name is also the number one baby girl name for 2015, and I don't think I like that.
Movement: None yet. Anxiously waiting!
Nursery: I haven't really thought twice about it. I'll take it more seriously when we know what we're having.
Maternity Clothes: Dresses are my best friend. Unless they're tight, and then they hate me.
Sleep: Sleeping great, but waking up to use the restroom in the middle of the night. Which in turn makes Maci wake up and then we all take a potty break at 2am.
Best Moment This Week: SO MANY! Our first ultrasound! Hearing the heartbeat for the first time! Telling our best friends, Paul & Ashley! Telling my grandmother and aunt on Mother's Day! AHHH!
Missing Anything: If I could sit in a hair salon eating a Publix sub and having my hair colored, I'd be the happiest bloated pregnant woman on the planet.
Cravings/Aversions: Food is better. Fattening food is the best, but obviously that's not an option. The vegetable sushi from Kroger is a must have for me these days. Still don't like food cooked at home - which I think is more of a smell issue.
Health/Exercise: Snacking is pretty healthy. I make healthy choices at lunch. Eating what I can in the evenings because I'm so nauseated. Noodles, butter, and parm cheese anyone?
Mood: Some days I'm really down about feeling so bloated and flabby. I think it's the hormones that are throwing me off a lot. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good, especially when I'm constantly looking at our ultrasound picture! :)
Husband: So sweet and supportive. He just listens to me cry about being so bloated, and offers sweet words to make me feel better. I wish I could have taken a picture of the smile on his face at our ultrasound. It was perfect!
Looking Forward To: Not so much baby related, but the end of school! So tired and ready for a break!

Week nine bumpdate is brought to you by my photobombing hound dog, Hank. :)
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A sweet little olive. :)
Symptoms: Well if I thought I was tired before... I guess our little olive is growing like crazy, because this mama-to-be is feeling exhausted. Honestly, I was tired before, but I kinda felt like I always do on the tired-scale - waking up at 5am, teaching 25 eight year olds for seven hours, and then working for a couple more hours after my kids go home - I'm always tired! But this week I have hit an all time low with tired. If it was acceptable to go to bed by 3:30pm every day, I bet ya I could do it.
Gender: Still leaning more towards boy, and it seems so is everyone else!
Name: Names we like, but will finalize once we know the gender.
Movement: Not quite yet.
Nursery: Still just a somewhat empty room. Slowly adding little things for baby in there.
Maternity Clothes: None yet - I can squeeze my bloated butt into loose pants and loose-fitting dresses.
Sleep: Did I mention that I was tired? Cause I'm really tired. I'm waking up every night to use the restroom, which in turn tells Maci it's time to get up, so I have to let her go potty outside and then convince her that it's too early to eat breakfast just yet.
Best Moment This Week: I finally told a close friend at school! I loved her reaction - so genuine and truly happy. :)
Missing Anything: My hair colored. These roots are doing some work.
Cravings/Aversions: No food cooked at home. I hate the thought of it and it sounds repulsing. If someone else cooks, it's fine by me. Mexican food has sounded blah - which is terrible.
Health/Exercise: Trying not to eat terrible. Waiting until the end of school to walk regularly. All my energy is there in the morning, so once school is out, I'll take advantage of it.
Mood: Is tired a mood? Cause I don't feel like I have enough energy to be anything different!
Husband: Still sweet as can be. Very patient and understanding - he gets that my hormones are all wacky these days, so he's just riding this crazy train the best he can!
Looking Forward To:The last day of school - can I get an amen?
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A prune - a little over one inch.
Symptoms: Exhaustion. I'm still beyond sleepy starting mid afternoon and could easily take a two-hour nap every day, but who has time for that... Nauseated from around 3pm until I go to bed. It comes in waves though. After I eat especially. Bloated still. And break outs are leaving my face, back and chest with not so pretty red bumps.
Gender: Leaning heavy towards boy! I keep referring to our little prune as a 'he' which would be sad if it's a 'she'. Oops.
Name: Our boy name is pretty set, but girl name is debatable at this point!
Movement: Well I'm not feeling anything, but our little bundle of joy was having a dance party in my belly on the ultrasound this morning! That is until Cody got out his phone to start recording, and then our little booger got camera shy. :) Those tiny arms and legs moving was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. EVER.
Nursery: Absolutely no progress and I'm not really concerned until we find out the gender.
Maternity Clothes: No, but Cody was so sweet and bought me three pairs of elastic band running shorts so my belly can expand all summer. Since that's what I'll be living in anyway...
Sleep: Totally pooped. Sleeping great the first half of the night, and then the second half it's more difficult. I can't sleep through the night without having to take a potty break (normally an hour before my alarm goes off). I'm getting really hot and sweaty (yuck!) and am normally wide awake after using the bathroom.
Best Moment This Week: We actually had a scare the other night when I found out I was bleeding a little bit. In my gut, I knew everything was okay, but the thought of it was really scary! Luckily, I was able to take Friday morning off from work to get checked out and everything looks perfect still! And the BEST part was of course, having a free ultrasound to see our little wiggle worm and hear the most perfect heartbeat. :)
Missing Anything: My hair colored. Sub sandwiches. The torture.
Cravings/Aversions: Grilled chicken is still repulsing - and most food cooked at home is. I've wanted hamburgers, but now that's slowly seeming icky. And Mexican food (one of my favorite foods!) now seems not so wonderful. I was craving some french onion dip though, and that's about it. I noticed I'm getting full pretty quickly these days.
Health/Exercise: Ask me again when it's not the last week of school...
Mood: Tired! A little moody...maybe a lot if you ask Cody some days. Getting very easily irritated. Very happy and RELIEVED after our ultrasound today though!
Husband: Still hanging in there with me even through the moody moments. Very helpful and offering a helping hand all the time. Also very relieved and thankful after seeing our baby looking perfectly healthy.
Looking Forward To: Now that school is over (yay!) I'm looking forward to telling my grandfather about his great grandbaby and hopefully my friend Brittany when I see her in the next few days!
{{ previous bumpdates }}

Your symptoms during those weeks sound SO similar to mine during that time! I started slowly getting my energy back around week 13 or so, but I'm still definitely more tired during the day than I was pre-pregnancy. Growing tiny humans takes a lot of energy out of us! :)
ReplyDeleteThat picture with Hank is beyond adorable! You look so gorgeous, pregnancy definitely agrees with you! We would love to see yall this weekend!
ReplyDeleteSo much fun!! You're looking great!! I don't know what I'm going to do without Pub subs when I'm pregnant... thank goodness you can zap the regular sandwich meat in the microwave or else I'd have nothing for lunch!
ReplyDeleteYou're looking so great! I have missed subs the entire time I've been pregnant! I can't wait to find out what you're having!