I found out about our little peanut pretty early, at four weeks one day to be exact.
I knew before I even got pregnant that keeping up with my pregnancy through "bumpdates" was pretty important to me. I think it'll be so sweet to look back on each week to see how baby and mommy progressed through the weeks. I'm hoping to keep it up throughout my entire pregnancy, which is why I started writing them as soon as I found out.
Since I'm 13 weeks pregnant today, I'll combine my previous bumpdate drafts to make it easier and quicker to catch up within the next week or two!
Thank you to Morgan at Believe in the Sparks for her perfect bumpdate format that I stole without asking. :)
How far along: 4 weeks
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A poppyseed - which has been the nickname since we found out. "The poppyseed and me love you." when talking to Cody. :) Guess it'll change every week until we find out what we're having!
Symptoms: Extremely tired, period-like cramps (but no period, clearly), sore chest (definitely felt like my period was coming, but...)
Gender: Too early to tell, but Cody and I always have thought we would have boys, so that's where we're leaning as of now. But I really have no clear gut feeling at this point. His family says boy and my family says girl. (Those that know at this point at least!)
Name: We're debating between a few at this point. We've always had names we liked, but I want to do some research to make sure they're perfect. :) We'll announce the name probably around the time we find out what we're having.
Movement: I don't think the poppyseed will be moving any time soon, but I am sure excited for that step!
Nursery: We knew what room we wanted the nursery to be when we moved in, so luckily we didn't pile too much stuff in there. It's the room I surprised Cody in to tell him we were going to be a mommy and daddy, and to me it's already such a special place!
Maternity Clothes: Not just yet. Hoping to buy some fun dresses here soon that my belly can grow into this summer.
Sleep: Sleeping any chance I get. I was on Spring Break, so luckily, I had a ton of time to squeeze it in. I went to my mom's during the day to use their internet, and instead fell asleep on the couch and then went home. Should have been a pregnancy giveaway right there!
Best Moment This Week: Finding out I was going to be a mommy! I don't think I've completely grasped this yet. I really found out in complete shock, and totally wasn't expecting it although I hoped for it. I keep wishing I could relive that day over and over and over again. And having the chance to tell Cody he was going to be a daddy was incredible!
Missing Anything: I think I'm too excited to miss anything quite yet!
Cravings/Aversions: Not a fan of ice cream - which is a major difference. Oink. Cody said he thought I was pregnant when I randomly bought hot and spicy pickles and made s'mores in the microwave...
Health/Exercise: I definitely didn't workout over my Spring Break - waaaay too tired. Nor did I eat the healthiest. Oops.
Mood: Bursting at the seams with happiness! I want to shout our baby news to the world - but not yet. Feeling really, really grateful for this blessing.
Husband: Cody is BEYOND ecstatic! Maybe a little shocked. He's wanted a baby for so long.. I think right now we're just praying for a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy.
Looking Forward To: Telling our friends and family in the upcoming weeks! Eek!
How far along: 5 weeks
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: An appleseed - so this week we call the baby, the appleseed. Catchy, right?
Symptoms: Super tired. Especially by lunchtime. Feeling good after I walk in the afternoons, and then crashing badly on the drive home. Oh, and the sore chest is in full swing. Not fun!
Gender: We're still thinking boy over here, only because I've always pictured myself as a boy mom. But I really don't have a gut feeling either way.
Name: We have our few that we like, but no final decisions for either gender yet.
Movement: The appleseed isn't quite ready for that yet.
Nursery: I still have the chalkboard and basket of baby goodies in the nursery, and every time I walk past the door I like to walk in there and just look around and smile. Cody and I sat in there the other night too, and just talked about it. The dogs seem to be a little more curious about that room too here recently.
Maternity Clothes: Not needed yet - but I did splurge a little at Old Navy this past weekend and I bought shirts and dresses that I knew my belly could grow into this summer. And ironically enough, everything I purchased was pink and blue. Completely unintentional.
Sleep: Not the best. I'm definitely tired, but waking up a lot. I can't get comfortable either. I'm having a really hard time waking up, which has made mornings even more not fun. I haven't had the chance to go to bed as early as I would like, so next week I will have a 9:30pm bedtime goal. Crossing my fingers this happens.
Best Moment This Week: Telling our parents about their soon-to-be grandbaby! The reactions have been nothing short of priceless. If I could hit replay in my head a million times on their reactions, I would.
Missing Anything: Getting my hair done! My roots are going to be beautiful by the end of the first trimester. I will be asking the doctor about this. But of course, anything for the appleseed.
Cravings/Aversions: The La Croix Sparkling Water has been my best friend. I discovered the apple berry flavor at Target last week, and it's delicious. Who knew you could crave water. I've been more of a fan of vegetables here recently, and moving away from fruits. I've been really hungry also, despite eating snacks throughout the day. I want to talk to the doctor next week about how many calories I should be eating each day.
Health/Exercise: Although I didn't work out on the weekend, nor on Monday, I did walk for 45 minutes on the treadmill which was nice. I started walking regularly a few months before I was pregnant, so I read it was safe to continue. As long as you're not overdoing it, and you can hold a conversation will walking, it should be fine. I've been eating pretty healthy - celery and my water are my favs.
Mood: Still thrilled and grateful!
Husband: Cody has been beyond helpful. He's so good about making sure I have everything I need, taking Hank out since I can't anymore, and pushing me to go to bed on time. I love how sweet he's been!
Looking Forward To: Our first doctor's appointment next week! I know nothing majorly exciting will be happening, but just getting our pregnancy confirmed officially and starting the process is exciting!
How far along: 6 weeks
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A sweet pea - Cody says chick pea.
Symptoms: Crampy every now and then, but definitely less then the previous weeks. Small moments where I think I feel nausous, and then it goes away. I read somewhere to try and have snacks throughout the day to avoid major nausea, so that's what I've been trying to do. If I eat too much in the evenings, my stomach feels unsettled. Definitely bloated though. Ick. Very tired - my cold doesn't help one bit.
Gender: No strong feeling either way. Sometimes I feel stronger towards boy than girl, but maybe it's because Cody and I always thought we would have boys.
Name: We have names we like, but no final decisions until we know the gender.
Movement: I think our little sweet pea is a little too small for that.
Nursery: Still just a mostly empty room, except for the baby items I suprised Cody with. Haven't really looked too far on Pinterest nursery wise, but I'm sure once we find out the gender, we'll look more into it.
Maternity Clothes: Not needed yet. I'm still really excited about the clothes I bought from Old Navy last week. I'm hoping to wear one of the maxi dresses for our pregnancy announcement pictures!
Sleep: Well, since I've been battling a cold this week, my body feels like it just needs more sleep. Even though I can't breath, surprisingly, I've slept really good and I can't get enough.
Best Moment This Week: We have our first doctor's appointment this afternoon! I'm excited to get the ball rolling, and hopefully schedule our first ultrasound!
Missing Anything: Not really. I'd like to get my roots colored, but it's okay. :)
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really sounds really good this week. After really LOVING my salad for lunch last week, this week, it seems so not good. Thinking of food in general doesn't make me happy.
Health/Exercise: Because I haven't been feeling good, I haven't exercised at all. I want to, but I really don't want to push myself when I already don't feel good. I haven't been as good with eating healthy. I haven't ate bad, just don't want to eat much at all during the day.
Mood: A little puny because of the cold. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really pregnant because I don't feel all that different, so I have to keep reminding myself that the stick said yes!
Husband: Very supportive. Making sure I get to bed on time. Helped me make my lunch one night because I didn't feel good. I think we're both excited about the doctor's appointment too!
Looking Forward To: Our doctor's appointment this afternoon! :)
Due Date: December 17, 2015
Baby is the size of: A sweet little blueberry.
Symptoms: Surprisingly, the nausea has calmed down for the most part this week. If I let myself get too hungry, it'll sneak back up on me. I've had a few random headaches here and there. And my chest is still suuuuuuuuuper sore. Oh, and I NEVER though my stomach could EVER be this bloated - especially after I eat.
Gender: Leaning a little more towards boy this week. No real reason though.
Name: I've added a few more girl names to my list. Boy has stayed the same. We'll finally decide after we find out what we're having!
Movement: Although the little blueberry is wiggling their tiny little arms and legs this week, mama isn't feeling it.
Nursery: We've been looking at cribs, but of course, don't want to do too much until we know the gender. Cody did add a tiny wooden rocking chair that he had when he was little. It's precious. :)
Maternity Clothes: Not needed yet, although I'm sure I could pass for 18 weeks pregnant with this bloating...
Sleep: Sleeping really well! I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I'm longing for the sweet days of summer so I can sleep past 5am.
Best Moment This Week: Setting a date to tell our close friends and grandparents. I'm really excited to get it out! Only a couple more weeks!
Missing Anything: Not too much. Craving a Publix sub still and getting my hair colored.
Cravings/Aversions: I was a little better with food this week, but the only things I really want are carbs - reason for bloat? Grilled chicken sounds like poop on a stick. Vegetables are blah. And anything that I have to prepare, I don't want. Wendy's hamburgers are my hips' best friends.
Health/Exercise: Terrible. Cody and I have spent a lot of time outside walking with the dogs in our newly fenced in backyard. I've been eating pretty decently throughout the day since I finally found some things that sound good. Watermelon, pineapple, cucumber are what I can manage.
Mood: Sometimes I feel like it isn't real. Like I'm not really pregnant. And then sometimes I'm really EXCITED and can't wait until December. And then sometimes I'm scared out of my mind that something might go wrong. It's a rollercoaster these days.
Husband: Very supportive! I love how he's informing himself on whats going on inside my belly and what things we need to do. Bonding over this has made us even closer.
Looking Forward To: We have an appointment at a new doctor's office, which I'm really excited about. We should have our first ultrasound since I canceled the one at the first practice. I'm hoping we really love it!

This is so exciting!! Love your bumpdates so far :)
ReplyDeleteYay for the bumpdates!! I felt the same way about coloring my hair during the first trimester. I actually had an appointment scheduled for a couple days after I found out I was pregnant that I had to cancel. My roots were SO SO bad, but I caved and got them done before my best friend's wedding at 11 weeks. I felt comfortable doing it by then. Also, I still can't handle chicken or vegetables, so I totally understand your aversion!
ReplyDeleteLove your documenting everything thrown bump dates. Can't wait to keep following along.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that you're going to document it all! I have loved looking back and seeing how I was feeling each week. It's also really fun to see all the changes that happen over time! I remember that feeling where the stick says you're pregnant but you don't specifically feel that pregnant, and the bloating was horrible. I think that's why I started wearing maternity pants around 13 weeks, just cause it was more comfortable with the bloating!
ReplyDeleteI'm just 3 days behind you - due December 20! I'm enjoying seeing how similar/different our experiences have been :)
ReplyDeleteSo much fun! I was lol-ing at the grilled chicken sounding like poop on a stick - I have been feeling the same way about chicken, unless it's fried lol
ReplyDeleteI am very happy for you Lauren. I never knew you had a blog. I would really like to be friends but if don't I understand. You look like your in a really happy place.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! I wish I'd been better about the bumpdates with our sweet baby, but with the surprise of actually being pregnant and my husband traveling, it was hard! I look forward to following along though! :)
ReplyDeleteThese updates are so sweet! I love reading posts when people do these during their pregnancies!