Looking back at the rest of our vacation pictures from the summer, I don't know whether I should ball hysterically because the baby in these pictures is not so much a baby these days, or kinda be proud that we almost survived her first yer of life. It's so bittersweet.
This vacation was hard. Traveling with a six month old was no easy task. She just seems so - little - in this pictures. So much more dependent. It's amazing how fast time flies and how quickly they change. Soon enough, she'll be going to prom and driving off to college. Don't even get me started...
But I did want to share these - six months late - because I love seeing her progression and looking back at the memories, even though they weren't all that long ago. We were so darn proud of ourselves for traveling alone as a family of three with no help. It was her first trip to the beach, and I don't want to forget one part.
And. I'm kinda already dreaming about summer - and once Christmas passes us, I'll be full on missing the heck out of warm weather and flip flops. I'm so not a cold weather gal.
We ended the last two days of our trip exploring Hilton Head a bit more.
We wanted to see the infamous Harbour Town Lighthouse and explore Sea Pines. Honestly, we weren't huge fans - I had been before when I was younger, but it just didn't feel the same. The money you pay to enter the resort isn't exactly worth it, the shops aren't fabulous, and the people who live in the resort aren't the friendliest. There were tons of people too, which made it a little harder. It's very pretty though and is great for taking pictures. I think it'll be a once in a while visit if we go back in the future. I'm pretty sure we left early because Harper could hang very long - and we got Wendy's on the way home. Really vacationing it up. Ha. :)
Our final full day, we originally were going to head to the beach, but it was kinda a pain in the butt with all our baby stuff, and Harper needed a day out of the direct sun. She was fighting a little cold through the trip. We decided to head back to Savannah and just explore and grab lunch.
I love that town so much - it's gorgeous and has so much to offer. I'd love for Cody and I to go back just the two of us. There's so much to do, so much to see. We definitely couldn't do it all in one day. We checked some of the old cemetarys around Savannah - SO much history - and walked through River Street - walking through different stores and eating lunch. (which was quite embarrassing to say the least - the baby was hot and tired and I don't even need to go on any further).
But it was perfect.
The drive thru meals - the embarrassing lunch - the whole two hours at the beach - the baby's snotty nose - the early evenings in binge watching OITNB. It was all perfect. And I mean that.
Our first family vacation was one I will cherish forever.
The first time she dipped her toes in the ocean.
Her sweet little bikini bod.
Her hair blowing in the wind.
Our little family of three.
It was perfect. :)
previous 'first family vacation' posts...
Botany Bay Plantation
Downtown Savannah
Burkes Beach - Part One
Burkes Beach - Morning

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