22 Minute Hard Corps Results
As many of you know, I've been on a health/fitness kick here recently. I wouldn't even so much call it a kick, it's been a complete lifestyle change. I'm still blown away by this because honestly, I thought I would never make a lifestyle change. I wanted to, but didn't think I was capable enough to do so.
It's so much easier though to make a lifestyle change, when you have the encouragement and support of not only your family, but friends also. I'm on an amazing team of ladies with the same goals and even same daily struggles, and it's been nothing short of amazing. They make me want to do better and be better, and that's really what I've been needing. Seeing results helps a lot too!
I'm wrapping up my latest program that I started after 21 Day Fix - 22 Minute Hard Corps - this weekend just in time for the brand new program coming out on Monday - Core De Force. I wanted to share my results with y'all because I think it adds an extra level of accountability for myself, but I also want to share these with y'all for another reason. I was at the lowest of lows. I lacked self-control, motivation, and self-confidence. If this program is something that I can complete and see results, then I KNOW you can too. I'm not a fitness expert, I've ridden the weight roller coaster plenty of time, I lacked self-confidence, I get the struggles. You CAN do this - here's the proof that you can -
So here's a little breakdown of my experience with 22 Minute Hard Corps:
8 Weeks | 22 Minute Hard Corps
Total Weight Lost: 8.8 pounds
Total Inches Lost: 12 inches
>> Prior to 22 Minute Hard Corps <<
Feeling: Felt really proud of myself for completing two rounds of 21 Day Fix, and wanted something to push me further and get me closer to my goals. I was intimidated by this program, and wasn't excited about it being 8 weeks long.
Eating: Was doing the 21 Day Fix eating plan, and it really was working with my lifestyle and family. Also drinking Shakeology - which has been life changing!
Exercise: 21 Day Fix 30 Minute Exercises
Clothing: Clothes we're beginning to feel lose and I definitely felt more confident in what I wore, but needed to see more results for several of my clothes.
>> After 22 Minute Hard Corps <<
Feeling: SO proud of myself for completing an 8 week program! And it wasn't an easy one either! Feeling really great about my results, and motivated to keep moving forward!
Eating: Still following the 21 Day Fix eating plan and drinking Shakeology - YUM. I had a few cheat meals - 80/20 rule - but I didn't let it get me down and discouraged. In the past, I would have given up and given into all the junk. Now, I continue eating healthy and continue working out. Such a huge improvement!
Exercise: Completed a 22 Minute Workout daily - some days were resistance and some were cardio. Some videos were really hard at first, but I tried my best and by the end, I've grown so much from week one. Cardio 3 was so hard for me - now it's not that bad!
Clothing: Fit into a size dress that I hadn't worn in a long time! Clothes feel looser and my old clothes are slowly starting to fit. It's so relieving!
Worst Moment During 8 Weeks: Missing a couple days of workouts. I needed to listen to my body and rest. I felt guilty, but also felt so much better and ready to go once I got back into the groove.
Best Moment During My 21 Days (2 Rounds): Feeling stronger! My arms are such an insecure part of me, but I don't feel as insecure anymore because I've seen muscle toning and I feel stronger!
Most Challenging Moment: Turning down lots of fall goodies! Everything in moderation though.
What I've Learned: I am strong enough to do this!
Where Do I Go From Here: My next program is BRAND SPANKING NEW and I'm so excited! It's called Core De Force - 30 days, 30-40 minutes in length, MMA/Kickboxing style, TOTAL BODY WORKOUT! I've done a sneak peek, and already know this workout is gonna kick my booty! Excited to see results!
I'm so excited to be starting my new program next month! I'm also SO excited to be hosting a November Challenge Group with my team! We're going to be putting the excuses to the side, and focusing on staying healthy and fit through the holidays. It's going to be awesome!
If you want more information about this, or have questions, I'd love to talk with you!

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