Friday, I Love You | Vol. I
So - it's Friday, and we love it.
But I also kinda don't love it this week.
I've been on fall break all week - literally, been SO nice - and Friday means it's coming to an end.
Bummer, right? I know some of y'all are completely rolling your eyes at me right now for even saying it, but in all seriousness, I've really enjoyed it. I didn't have a fall break in the last county I was teaching in, but I have to say, I'm now a fan.
There's been a lot going on this week in our little family - a trip to the pumpkin patch, a wild - teething baby, workouts and meal prepping, and a whole lot of happiness.
It's Friday after all, so lets share...
As many of you know, I started my new health/fitness journey about two, almost three months ago.
I saw results that I hadn't seen in myself in so long, I instantly became hooked, and haven't looked back since [ and don't plan on it either! ]. Shortly after that, I jumped into coaching.
I'm planning on sharing more about this journey this upcoming week, but I hit a point of personal doubt and struggle, and felt stuck in my life. After talking with my husband (and maybe some crying too...), he made me see how truly happy this new coaching thing has truly made me. I don't know where this is going to lead me, but I'm loving what it's doing for my life right now. And I'm so thankful my husband was there to open my eyes and help me see the truth.
P.S. My team and I hosted a Sneak Peek into Coaching this week on Facebook - and it was amazing! I can't wait to see who decides to take this leap of faith with us, and start their journey!
I feel like one of our biggest struggles as a family, is finding time together during the week. We're always so pressed for time, we don't get to relax and spend quality time together. We're on such a tight schedule, and there's really just not enough hours in the day. And I think that's an honest concern for a lot of families!
So, to help create some opportunities for us to spend together as a family [ and heck, even for me and my husband to actually spend some time together as a couple...] I wanted to create a week long Facebook group that challenged my family and others to find the time to spend with each other during those crazy weekdays - whether it be staying fit, making a healthy meal together, doing a fun activity, playing a game, sitting outside and enjoying the beautiful fall weather - something simple and easy to do during the week so we aren't just letting the days pass by without a little bit of quality time squeezed in there.
So - Fall. Fit. Family. Fun. Challenge. - was born...or created.
I would love for you to join us next week! Click the link below if you're interested!
Last weekend, we took Harper to the pumpkin patch for the very first time.
Having kids totally makes you love life that much more. You get to relive your childhood through their eyes, and it's amazing!
It was one of those days that you hated for it to end. And I've been thinking about this precious picture of her at the farm all. week. long. I can't wait to share more!
Speaking of Harper - she's a hot mess.
And when I say hot mess - I mean it in the most loving way possible.
I can't get enough of that girl these days.
She's learned to scoot, and she's learned to scoot fast.
She's learned that she can now scoot out of my sight. She's learned that she can scoot and open the tupperware cabinet and throw them all over the kitchen. She's learned that she can scoot to the dogs' water bowl and pretend like she's at the splash pad. She's into
For the past two weeks, she's been on a fussy - weird sleeping schedule - and I kinda used my mom brain to piece the puzzle together. I came to the conclusion that either a) she's getting sick or b) she's teething (preferably teething because we went three weeks straight of congestion and snotty noses). FINALLY, I saw her other top tooth was coming through, and I secretly celebrated knowing that once that little dagger broke through, all would be right in the baby world again.
And then it happened.
Two. Two teeth at the same time.
The terror.
Poor thing has been waking up so randomly, at least four or five times a night.
Lots of cuddles are definitely in order.
On a fun note, we have our fall family pictures/Harper's nine month pictures (even though she's really ten months now) tonight with my best friend, Ashley! She did so great with her six month pictures over the summer, I can't wait to see how these turn out! I know they will be stunning!
Here's a picture from Harper's six month pictures - still need to share because I suck at multitasking with my life.
We also have the Hot Air Balloon Festival on Saturday - I kinda have an obsession. And another trip to a different pumpkin patch on Sunday.
So much fun ahead!
H A P P Y F R I D A Y !

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